Thursday, September 30, 2010

Nature's Pride, Take 2

Thank you all for your votes, they mean so very much!!   Voting ends today, so there's still some time to vote for my Saag Paneer :)

Last year's savory pumpkin bread pudding was better than I could've imagined.   Not only was it delicious, but it gave me the opportunity to attend the 1st Annual Foodbuzz Festival.  It was an amazing experience where I met many awesome fellow bloggers, ate tons of amazing food, fell in love with the Ferry Building and demo my recipe for everyone to try!

This year I'm at it again, submitting a recipe for the chance to be named a Nature's Pride bread ambassador again.  Hopefully this will be another golden ticket :)

Imagine some feta sprinkled on top!

Eggplant Panzanella
Recipe by Shannon
Serves 2-3 as a side, easily scaled up

Panzanella, or bread salad, seemed like a perfect way to highlight Nature's Pride bread.  I kept the bread crispy to contrast with the creamy roasted eggplant.  The feta balances the sweet dressing to create a twist on this Tuscan classic.  

2c Nature's Pride bread cubes  (~1/2" in size, from 2 slices of Whole Wheat*)
4c cubed eggplant (~3/4" in size, skin on or off-- your choice)
2-3T extra virgin olive oil
coarse salt
fresh ground pepper
1 1/2c cucumber slices (peeled, seeded and halved)
1 1/2c halved grape or pear tomatoes  (quartered if they're very large)
1/3c thinly sliced shallots (from 1-2 large or a few smaller ones)
1/3-1/2c crumbled feta

For the miso honey dressing:
1/2T white miso
1/2T honey
1T rice wine vinegar
1/2T extra virgin olive oil
2-3 grinds of fresh pepper

Preheat oven to 350deg. 

Add eggplant to a large bowl and toss with 1-2T olive oil, salt and pepper.  The eggplant can absorb alot of liquid, so don't be afraid to add a little more oil if things look really dry.  Arrange in a single layer on a cookie sheet (or two, depending on the size).  Bake for 20min or so, flipping over after about 10min.  Reserve the bowl for assembling the panzanella.

Arrange bread cubes on another baking sheet, drizzle with a little olive oil (or spray with nonstick spray) and bake until browned and crispy, about 10min (I put these in when I tossed the eggplant cubes).  Remove from oven and let cool.

In a small bowl, combine miso and honey.  Warm slightly in the microwave, just 5-10 seconds.  Add remaining ingredients and whisk well.  In the large bowl, combine dressing, eggplant, cucumber, tomato and red onion and combine well.   This can be prepared ahead of time, just refrigerate until ready to use.

Just before serving, combine toasted bread cubes with vegetable mixture and top with feta before digging in!!  The longer it sits, the bread cubes will soften...  not necessarily a bad thing as it's absorbing the dressing, but you will lose some of the textural appeal :)

*As part of the Foodbuzz Tastmaker program, I received a coupon for a free loaf of Nature's Pride bread.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


My buddy Mr Nights left town and moved to Vegas.


People actually live in Vegas? You mean not everyone there walks up and down the Strip drinking from open containers dreaming of three buck prime rib and endless winning hands of twenty-one?

People have jobs and work in SinTown?

Apart from losing a drinking mate, I've lost a portion of my memory. One unfortunate quality of drinking - okay, excessive drinking - is that one can lose time. Cleaning out my car over the weekend, I found a business card; a card I think belongs to a woman I chatted up with Nights one night, slightly under the influence.

It's bothersome this blackout thing, because I so rarely overindulge, and when it does happen, it seems I meet the most enthusiastic women. They're sufficiently enthusiastic to give me their business card with a cellphone number hand-written on the blank side too.

I remember the beginning of the night. Working from before dawn, I'd joined Mr Nights for HH drinks at five, making the rookie mistake of not partaking, snackwise. We pushed on to a steakhouse bar, looking for professional ladies similarly on the prowl. (That would be bankers, lawyers, accountants, not the other kind of professional you perv.)

Naturally that didn't quite work, but the next bar did, coinciding with my alcoholic amnesia.


The problem now is that I have this card, with a phone number (an enthusiastic phone number) and no way to dial it. Not only did I chat up a decent-looking woman (this according to Mr Nights) but I met his ex-wife...and have no memory of it.

Double Drat.

I feel like a drink.

Bottoms Up, What Happens in Vegas Everyone Knows Abouters!

Photo of woman from here [link]

Monday, September 27, 2010

Voting for Round 2!!

You guys were awesome enough to vote for my first entry for PFB, and I'm hoping you'll be willing to vote for me again!  We're down to 400 contestants, so your vote means even more to me!  Thank you!!!  Voting for round 2 is now open, click here or on the PFB widget on the right to cast your vote.   If you didn't catch my entry, I made the delicious classic Indian dish saag paneer.  Can't wait to have leftovers for lunch, Mmmm....

And while I'm here, I've decided to pick another winner for my Athenos Feta giveaway...  Cara!!  Congrats Cara, shoot me an email and I'll get you set up with your feta and salad pod :)

Anyone have anything fun and exciting happening this week?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

PFB#2: Saag Paneer

Growing up, I wasn't exposed to many cuisines besides good ol' American and that of my heritage--Polish and Italian.   Part of this was because I was a bit picky ;)  But I can't recall seeing a Mexican or Indian restaurant.  And we never got Chinese food, either (not that it would've been authentic!).

I had cooked in undergrad, but many of the meals included "Helper" in their title, involved grilled cheese, or came out of a blue box.   When I moved to Philadelphia for grad school, I was old (mature?) enough to start trying new things.  It was here that I was introduced to Indian, Thai, African and Burmese to name a few.  Since then I've also fallen in love with the Ethiopian and Afghan meals I've had.  Maybe it was coincidence, but just as I started to experience new cuisines, I also had the desire to create new things in my kitchen.

For the second challenge of Project Food Blog, we were to recreate a classic dish from a cuisine.  I decided there was no time like the present to tackle my favorite Indian dish-- saag paneer.  I was won over as soon as I tasted this dish, although I've never tried to make it at home.   I haven't done too much Indian cooking, but I'm always a little intimidated by long lists of spices, and paneer isn't normally found in any grocery store.

Bin bhuna hua garam masala (untoasted)

Now, which recipe to use??  I turned to a cookbook I've heard good things about recently, 660 Curries.  You can find the recipe here.   After a trip to the Indian grocery store in Coolidge Corner, I was armed with the paneer and spices required to execute.   A trip to Whole Foods for mustard greens came up short, so I picked up a small bunch of dandelion greens to use instead (both are slightly bitter).

Punjabi garam masala (toasted)

One thing I found unique was that Iyer calls for two kinds of garam masala.  One is untoasted, used early on in the cooking process.  The other is toasted prior to grinding and then used to finish the dish.   I prepared these the night before, as they can be kept in an airtight container in the dark for a couple months.  My kitchen smelled pretty amazing after toasting the one with cinnamon!   I also pan-fried the paneer cubes ahead of time so they were ready to go, but there's some down time when cooking down the spinach during which you could do this.

I have to say, the flavors of the saag paneer I've had made me think that this would take awhile to cook.  However the tender spinach and well-executed spice blends proved me wrong :)  I also didn't need to stand right over it the entire time, which I liked.  The one sub I made was to use 1/2c milk mixed with ~2T cornstarch instead of heavy cream.  I probably cut back on the oil inadvertantly, too, as I eye-balled the amounts.

I served it with some naan, and thoroughly enjoyed every bite!!    For this dish, I cooked with no less than three things I had never used before:  paneer, cardamom pods and dandelion greens :)

What's your favorite Indian dish??   Or favorite ethnic cuisine??

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Summer's Dressing

THANK YOU to everyone who voted for me in Project Food Blog--I am extremely excited to announce that I advanced to the next round!!   I've already got my thinking cap on for the next challenge...  before we get to that, however, here's one of my phantom posts ;)

With a bounty of fresh basil from my mom, I was about to make pesto when a recipe for a basil vinaigrette caught my eye.  As I was putting it together,  I made the executive decision to add a tomato I had just washed and cored and cut back on the oil.   Worked like a charm!

please excuse the food smudges on the bowl...  :/

While I thought about using it on a salad, I already had some roasted eggplant and cooked farro in the fridge and an idea was born.  Some chickpeas for protein and goat cheese of course, and I had one tasty lunch :)

Farro, Eggplant & Chickpeas w/Tomato-Basil Vinaigrette
Dressing adapted from Simply Recipes
Serves 2

While I split my dressing into 2 servings, I think the same amount could be used for a 3 portions of this grain salad.  I recommend starting with a smaller amount and adding as much as you see fit.  You could also use extras to dress some grilled vegetables or your favorite salad!

For the dressing:
1t dijon mustard
1/2 shallot, chopped
1/4t salt
1/2t evaporated cane juice (sugar)
1/4c packed basil
2T champagne vinegar
2-3T extra virgin olive oil
1 small tomato

For the dish:
1/2c farro (spelt or wheat berries would be the closest sub, but I could see barley or quinoa working well here, too)
2-3 chinese eggplants (or any variety from your farmers market)
olive oil, for roasting the eggplant
salt and freshly ground pepper
1c chickpeas (1/2 of a can or cook your own), drained and rinsed
1-2oz goat cheese (or feta)

Cut eggplant into half-moons, then toss with a bit of olive oil, salt and pepper.  Eggplant takes up alot of oil, so you'll need a good glug.  Roast in a preheated oven at 400-450deg until starting to get nice and crispy brown on the edges.  This can be done ahead of time, simply refrigerate until you're assembling the dish.

Bring a medium pot of water to boil.  Salt water, then add farro and simmer until grains are cooked (they start to split open and shouldn't be too starchy, although they do retain a little bit of a bite), ~15-20min or so.

While farro is cooking, prepare the dressing by adding all ingredients into your favorite blender or food processor.  Blend until well combined.

When farro is cooked, drain excess water.  Add farro back to the pot along with the chickpeas and roasted eggplant.  Drizzle in 1/2 of the dressing, toss to combine.  Taste, and add more/rest of the dressing or adjust seasoning with some salt and pepper.  Serve, topped with crumbled goat cheese!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Why Eat Out?

The obvious reason why we eat outside our homes is we are hungry and want someone else to do the work of cooking and cleaning up afterwards.  But there other reasons, ones that will enrich our lives back in our own kitchens.
For Zesterdaily, I wrote about a memorable meal at a restaurant that led to one of my favorite meals at home.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Friday Fluffer - Cowboys like Cowgirls

Coworkers are more likely to end up with each other, so it's no surprise that love blooms between the chaps. Cowboys and cowgirls too are getting it on all over the place, although it's likely most of them have never roped anything more than soap. City Cowpersons in Honda Civics outnumber Horseborne Cowpersons approx. 1000 to 1.

Country music (in the form of Big & Rich) supplied a public service announcement against animal cruelty with their tune "Save a Horse [Ride a Cowboy]." Seemingly obvious advice, but wait until you've been on a month-long cattle drive - Trigger will begin to look mighty attractive, if a somewhat sloppy kisser.

For the horseless Urban Cowboy out there who likes his morning latte, THIS coffee store is for you.

Cowgirl Espresso :-) <-----Link Safe For Work

Bottoms Up, Cowpats!

Interested in Cowgirl Yoga? That's where the picture's from [link]

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Just Ideas ;)

A few things before we get to the food...
  • Sorry for all the phantom posts that have you may have seen in google reader,  blogger's "schedule" function has not been cooperating lately.
  • Thanks to everyone who has voted in support of me in Project Food Blog, if you haven't yet (ends Thursday)--there's still time!  Click here to vote!
  • From the Athenos Feta giveaway, A please contact me so I can hook you up with your goodies :)  There is no profile linked, so I have no way to contact you.

I've been meaning to share some good eats with you, more or less ideas rather than strict recipes.  The first was Brittany's Kale w/Peanut Sauce.  Absolutely delicious, you should make it ;)   And if you have some leftover peanut sauce, I'll let you know that it also works as a pasta sauce.  I thinned it with a little starchy pasta water, tossed it with the cooked pasta (I had some Spicy Thai Linguine) and a ton of julienned veggies for an amazing dinner!  If you want to kick up the heat, serve some Siracha (the rooster sauce) on the side!

Spicy Thai Linguine w/Peanut Sauce

Another morph came when I was making Janetha's taco soup.  I always remember my need to utilize my crockpot more when I make delicious recipes like this!!  When thinking of an accompaniment for the soup, I was leaning towards cornbread when I remembered something I'd seen who knows where...  cornbread croutons!   I took some of my Summer Squash & Basil Cornbread since I had just made it and cut it into ~1/2" cubes.   Sprayed with a little nonstick cooking spray and spread out on a cookie sheet, these croutons will bake up in a preheated 350degree oven in no time.  

Cornbread Croutons w/Taco Soup

Are you a fan of croutons?  I don't actually like them in salads, but I loved the crunch in this soup :)  Definitely one I'll have to remember as I make more soups/stews as the temperature drops...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


With every challenge comes a time to vote, and that time is now!!   This round contestants will be widdled down from 2,000 to 400, so the competition is fierce ;)   If you'd like to help me move on to the next round, please click here to vote, or use the Project Foodbuzz widget on the right (you will need to create a foodbuzz account, but it's painless).  Thank you thank you thank you!

Before I forget, the winner of the feta giveaway is A!!  A, please contact me so I can get you hooked up with your feta :)

Please don't forget to vote for me, thanks :)

Monday, September 20, 2010


Him: What are you, a leg man, a tit man, an arse man or what?

Me: Oh, I'm a hair man.

Him: A hair man? (Incredulously.)

Me: Yep.

Call it a top down approach. The hair tells you almost everything about a woman you need to know. The rest you can fill in from her shoes and her fingernails.

Note that I wrote " need to know..." not "...everything...".

Let's put it this way: Any time or money a dame spends on the right hair-do will be time or money well spent. Men who begrudge this are foolish.

Bottoms Up, French Rollers!

Horror Movie

I feel I have to tell you that whenever I watch a movie and a couple kiss, I have to turn away.

Zombies with arms torn off, bloody violence, Fight Club - none of these raises my blood pressure one point. But that close-up of a big smooch with that swelling music ensures that I look away from the screen and imagine myself elsewhere.

Phew. That feels better.

Bottoms Up, Kissistas!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hyannis II Tri 2010

Location: Hyannis (Craigville Beach), MA
Distance:  Sprint (.25mi s, 10.2mi b, 3.5mi r)
Time:  7:30am start
Weather:  67
Participants:  875 +/-

While the thermometer might not have said it was that cold, before the sun came up it sure felt like i needed my pants and fleece!  Luckily the sun arrived for the start and I didn't have to swim in my jacket :)   My parents were able to make it down to watch, and we arrived in Hyannis the night before (so nice!  saved ~2hrs race morning).   We arrived early at the course, got a good parking spot, and I got set up in transition.    Then we got to people watch before it was time to go!

Craigville Beach, Hyannis, MA

It was a beach start for this ocean swim, where the water was calm and 69-70degrees.  I thought this might be a little chilly without a wetsuit, but it turns out it was quite nice.  I got in before the race to get used to the temperature and got out a little too early as I was cold waiting for my wave.   The waves were broken down by age groups only (i.e. there were men & women in each wave).  I tried to position myself just behind those eager beavers who would likely take off fast or be jostling for their line.
I'm not holding my ears, i'm taking out my earplugs ;)
Went out pretty well and seemed to settle in quickly...  but then, I'm not sure why, I started freaking out a bit and breathing frequently.  Luckily it was only a quarter of a mile and I was done before I knew it, running up the beach to transition.   I was shocked and pleased to see my time of 5:54!  Maybe the course was short, but either way my time was good enough for 8th in my age group (AG) so I won't question it :)

I spent a little longer in T1 than I wanted to, trying to get the sand off my feet (thinking sand=blisters).  At the mount line I had a hard time clipping in for whatever reason (maybe because I couldn't feel my feet?).  Then it took me a little while to realize why my legs were going so fast...  I was in the wrong chainring (small ring in the front).   Serves as a good reminder to make sure you are paying attention when you check your bike race morning!  I probably didn't lose too much time there, but I never felt like I hit the groove that I had in my last race.  My feet were pretty cold until the last mile or two, but I kept trying to move my toes around so they warmed up by the time it came time to run on them.

Heading out

My own issues aside, the course was pretty nice and relatively flat.   Due to the size of the race, there are alot of people on the course at one time.  Since the course wasn't closed, there was a lot of maneuvering/passing 2-3 people deep and some drafting.   I'm not going to lie, I was a little disappointed with my bike time of 35:54, at ~17mph.  But looking a little closer, it was 7th in my AG, and the fastest women were only finishing 3-4minutes faster (~19.5mph).  This seems slow (especially with some of the bikes I saw!), but it is what it is, and my time wasn't that bad ;)

The run course had some gentle inclines, but nothing I'd consider a hill.   I don't remember too much from the run, I was just trying to focus on my form, but it went through a nice neighborhood and it ended with a sprint on the beach.   I finished at 28:18 for the 3.5miles, close to my goal of 8min/miles.  Good given my time off this summer; not so good in my AG ;)

Who's bright idea was this finish in the sand??

Overall time:  1hr 10min 07 sec  (8/63 in my AG)

This was the largest race I did this year, and it ran just like the smaller ones--so I'd consider it a job well done!   Except for the shirts ;)   If you're looking for a well-run race on the Cape, check out Time Out! races-- the same course is run in June, and there's one in Falmouth in July.

It completely slipped my mind to get a picture with my parents, but it was great to spend the day with them :)   Now it's time to plan for the 2011 season...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ready, Set, Blog!

Well, I guess I was ready when I started a little over two years ago ;)  But I'm challenging myself to define my blog persona as I compete in Foodbuzz's Project Food Blog!  I hope you'll enjoy this journey with me...

As my tag line says, my first inclination is to say that my blog focuses on healthy recipes that I have tried, adapted, or even created as I get more confident in the kitchen.   But I always hesitate at that answer as I feel like this has become so much more than that!

I think it comes down to the fact that I love learning.

New ingredients (whether it be fruits, vegetables or ancient grains), new cuisines, even using familiar ingredients in unique ways.  It goes beyond food, now, to photography as I have to take a picture to do my creations justice!!   I have enjoyed every minute of this experience ever since I started cooking for myself and others.

That last part is also very important to me.  YOU!  I love cooking for everyone and anyone, and the smile I get when sharing with friends and family warms my heart.  It's what gets me excited and coming back for more :)

This blog has become my passion, as has triathlon, and I tri  to share that with you too ;)  Setting goals, meeting challenges, it's all part of the growing process.  For me, triathlon (or any way to be active) is a constant reminder that good food = good fuel.   Another great source of inspiration!

Nature's Pride Bread Ambassador @ 1st Annual Foodbuzz Festival

So sure, this started as a way to explore the healthy recipes that I found around the blog world, but it has morphed into something a little more intricate and complex.  It provides a place to play in the kitchen and share with you what I find, to grow and discover new .  It has allowed me to meet some amazing individuals I am lucky enough to call my friends, and some experiences I won't soon forget.  Join me as the next Food Blog Star as I fuel for my next adventures!!

Friday Fluffer - Viking Girls

When viking men were off crossing oceans for an afternoon's pillaging, what were the lady vikings up to?

The viking life would be one of sad farewells and glad reunions...perhaps.

Maybe the viking dames were happy to see their men sail over the horizon and not have big boofy blokes about the place with their fishy breath and horny helmets.

And what would dating a vikingette be like? Something like this I guess. Safe For Work.

It's not just me. The world loves Viking womanflesh.

Bottoms Up, Norsemen!


Pillowfighting tactics rarely receive an airing in polite conversation. Whenever the subject comes up, people tend to become quiet, shuffle their feet, look over your shoulder and eventually walk off.

That's my experience.

Good pillowfighters are rare: their skills rank alongside those of competent fencers (the rapier kind, not the keeping cows in a pasture kind) or synchronized swimmers. And the underground nature of pillowfighting is such that you never know if someone's a champion until you fight them and find out. In fact, the person next to you right now might be a savant pillowfighter .

Novice though I am, rules play a part. Here are the ones I know of:

1. Pillowfighting is a dry land sport. If you find yourself in the bath, or in the rain, you're doing it wrong.

2. Only one man at a time can pillowfight. That implies that at a minimum, a 'feather' (the pillowfighting term for a 'bout') consists of one man and one woman.

3. Quality feathers always have more than one woman, and the man should always be me.

4. Women fighters will always be in either lingerie or jimjams. Men can be in a three-piece suit for all I care.

5. At least one pillow should be present. Actually using it is optional.

6. During the fight, if a piece of your outfit is removed or otherwise comes off, you can't put it back on. No returns.

7. Although robust participation is good, females should all scream like whiny little bitches at some point.

8. Sportswomanship requires that at the end of the feather - or at any point during the fight - all parties hug. Light petting is encouraged. After that, you can do what you like. We're all adults here.

Bottoms Up, It's Bedtime!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Summer Squash Bounty

When my cousin gave me a summer squash that was bigger than my forearm, I knew I was going to have to come up with some new ways to use it :)  Of course there is this delicious soup from earlier this summer, but I wanted something different!  Here's what I came up with...

Summer Squash & Basil Cornbread
Recipe by Shannon
yield:  3 mini loaves, or 1 9x5" loaf

1c white whole wheat flour
3/4c cornmeal
1 1/2t baking powder
1/2t baking soda
1/4c evaporated cane juice (sugar)
3/4t salt
1c buttermilk
1 egg
1 egg white
3T butter, melted
1 1/3c shredded summer squash (pat dry with paper towel)
1/3c thinly sliced basil
2oz goat cheese (~1/2c crumbled)

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

In a small bowl, whisk together dry ingredients (flour, cornmeal, baking powder, baking soda, sugar, salt).

In a large bowl, combine buttermilk, eggs and butter.  Whisk until well combined, then add dry ingredients and stir until just combined.  Fold in summer squash, basil and goat cheese.  Pour into pans sprayed with nonstick spray.  Bake until center springs back to the touch, or a toothpick comes out clean, ~25-30min (or more) for the smaller loaves.  Cool on a wire rack, then slice and serve!

What's your favorite thing to do with summer squash??    Don't forget about my giveaway if you'd like some feta!

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Girlfriend Experience

I want to write something along the lines of:

The Girlfriend Experience is about the closeness of two people meshing at inter-dimensional levels for spiritual reasons.

But that doesn't ring true - the contradictory evidence in my life alone is overwhelming.

Maybe that's because the whole relationship-dating complex tends toward hard-bitten-ness as people age. We begin to appear as - or begin to look for - financial saviours or mental leaning-posts rather than specially connected individuals.

My golden age was from fifteen until twenty-one. Innocent of wordly motives, a girlfriend was just that - about having a girl as a friend. Girls are soft and smell great and feel different and look at shit differently. That's nice. I want one of them close to me, on my side.

Innocence. That's the key word, implying a voyage of discovery with someone. From innocence to knowledge. And then to BDSM, but only after a decent interval.

Girlfriend Experience illustration from here [link]

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Life Curves - Wombatgram #11

Some windows of opportunity are wide open, some are heart-breakingly short.

Click on the Wombatgram to view with more detail.

Bottoms Up, Lifers.

Feta Giveaway

You probably saw it last month, but there was an abundance of feta in everyone's salads.  Athenos was promoting their feta as a salad topper (and an excellent one at that)!  Hopefully you're not too sick of it yet, as I've got a chance for you to win some goodies.

But first, a recipe idea!  This was my take on Deb's eggplant salad toasts.  To the roasted eggplant and red wine vinaigrette, I added some chickpeas and farro and topped it with the feta and scallions.   Loved the salty bite of feta with the chewy farro and creamy chickpeas and eggplant!!   This would certainly be adaptable to a variety of grain-vegetable combinations, too, so go wild :)   If you're interested,  I recall making the amount of eggplant called for in her recipe, cooking up 1/2c farro, and adding 3/4-1c chickpeas to make two servings.

Would you like a Fit & Fresh Salad Pod and free feta??   To enter, all you have to do is let me know what flavor is your favorite pairing for feta.  I'll pick a winner at noon Sunday Sept 19, so you have a week to enter!

Athenos Feta Prize Pack

(I did not receive anything from Athenos to promote this giveaway, the feta used in creating this recipe was purchased with my own $$)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dames I Adore - Sheetal Bhagat

Confession time: Indian women are hot - and fertile, if the sub-continent's burgeoning population is any guide.

It's an interesting question on its own, whether the viability of a woman's eggs or the spunk of her ovaries makes her more sexy. I'd like to research that sometime. Just how to equate the internal workings of a chick with her physical attractiveness is a mystery at the moment, but there must be a way.

Can one smell fertility? Is there a pheromone for ripeness?

Popular culture has it that men with balls are better, by which P-Culture means men with metaphoric cojones make for better men. This is the same P-Culture that gives us high points like Jon Gosselin and Ryan Seacrest. Tell me again why we take one goddam bit of notice of P-Culture.

I shall answer my own request: Because of women like Sheetal Bhagat.

Right, so she's not a Bollywood star, she's not the Indian Prime Minister and she doesn't have twelve kids...that we know of. What she does do is cook and be sexy, on a show called Masterchef.

Reality television participants aren't my usual oeuvre, but there's something about Miss Sheetal. I can't smell her, I can't taste her, I can only look at her from afar.

Pic of Sheetal from here [link]

Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday Fluffer - Spanking

I was reading Library Girl recently, she's fun. Really, quite fun.

Link to Library Girl.

Her kink is that she likes being spanked. I wondered why it is that a woman would so enjoy a bit of a spanking. And here's the best answer I found:

Link to Why would a woman want to be spanked?

Interesting title that: Taken In Hand.

Errr, Bottoms Up, Spankees!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Corn Pesto

As soon as I read the words "corn pesto" in August's issue of Bon Appetit,  I knew I'd be making it.   I love all things corn, and this was no exception.   Now, if only I still had some ears sitting in the fridge...

Pasta w/Corn Pesto
adapted slightly from Bon Appetit
Serves 2

I eyeballed all of these amounts, so don't feel bound to your measuring spoons!  

1 1/2-3T extra virgin olive oil, divided
2c fresh corn kernals
1 garlic clove, minced
3/4t coarse salt
3/8t fresh ground black pepper
2T pine nuts
1/4c finely grated Parmesan
fettucine (I used some Spinach-Garlic Fettuccine I had on hand)
1 small (or 1/2 of a large) tomato, diced
fresh torn basil leaves, optional

Bring a large pot of water to a boil as you prepare the pesto.

In a medium nonstick skillet, heat 1/2-1T oil on medium heat.  Add corn, garlic, salt and pepper and saute until corn is just tender, only a few minutes.

Reserve 1/2c corn and add the rest to a food processor (or blender).  Add pine nuts and parmesan, and process until smooth, drizzling in 1-2T oil through the feed tube until it comes together.  Add to reserved corn and set aside.

Cook pasta until al dente.  Reserve a bit of the cooking liquid, then drain the pasta and return to the pot.  Add corn pesto and ~1/4c of the cooking liquid, then toss to coat.  Serve, topped with some freshly torn basil leaves and tomatoes.

What's the best thing you've made (or eaten) this summer with corn??   I'm still thinking about the corn flan I had at Tilth...  I need to try and recreate it!!

ps- if you're interested in trying the new Larabar flavors, check out Katie's awesome giveaway!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What can you do for me?

Hi honey.

I'm cute.

Look at me. My skin is soft. If I decide, you can touch it.

What can you do for me?

* giggle *

Bottoms Up, Lucksters!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Central Casting

"Central Casting" is the metaphoric place writers go when they can't find (or are too lazy to work-up) the words to describe a person. Or a dog. It's a kind of shorthand that says "picture perfect just like Hollywood makes."

I'm reading a book in which the over-educated author wrote that (and I paraphrase because if I have to find and read that paragraph again I'll resort to opening the emergency vodka) a Scottish Terrier in the doorway of a Scottish house looked like he was "...from central casting".

Somehow it escaped her that all Scottie dogs look alike and therefore one doesn't need Central Casting: Canine Division. And finding one around a house in Scotland is even less Hollywood - it's a slice of the real world.

Anyway, I'm clearly over-thinking this.

But consider what a store called "Central Casting" would look like. It would be an online fantasy showcase of people and the qualities we think would fulfill all our desires in another person. (Sorry, it sounds kinda creepy, but it's all in the imagination.)

Dreaming about what you'd do with the winnings of a big lottery draw is a close analogy. At Central Casting, you would find the picture perfect partner. Add the best of all the real-life stuff from normal living, plus the magic of Hollywood.

It would be like a Whole Foods for singles - only not full of rich greenies wearing condescension-brand sandals. People like us would wander the aisles; discerning, wise people, observing the kind of quality goods Central Casting stocks.

Bottoms Up, Shoppers!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Proximity Breeds Love

High school is a seething swamp of sexual tension. Conventional thinking has it that it's because every pimply pubescent is a vat of hormones pushing them to rub nasties at any opportunity.

Okay, that's probably true, but there's another overlooked element of high school, which is proximity. In every class, those punks are an arms-length away from the opposite sex. For eight hours a day there are dozens of possible partners around you, close by, sharing the same experience. Everyone's so close.

Workplaces are similar, but not exactly the same. The cubicle stymies contact. Offices with doors separate people. Very few working situations replicate one's teenage years.

But if you want to find a man, find a place with lots of men. If you want a woman, find where the women work. Familiarity breeds interest, not contempt. Being close in an everyday kind of way creates a petri dish in which romance might grow. Like a fungus.

Bottoms Up, Proximates!

Office girl photo from cubicle chic blog [link]

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Imperfect Relationships - Wombatgram #10

Getting it right isn't easy.

Click on the Wombatgram for easier reading.

Bottoms Up, Rebounders!


Before apples are taking over my kitchen, I wanted to share this peachy creation with you.  I have The Flavor Bible to thank for inspiring this creation, as my jar of saffron has sat unopened for awhile out of fear ;)  I don't know quite how to describe it...  mellow?  subtle?   I do know that it was delicious, and enjoyed by all!

Saffron Peach Ice Cream
Recipe by Shannon, basic method from The Vegan Scoop

2 cans light coconut milk
2T arrowroot
1/2c evaporated cane juice (I bet brown sugar would also be phenomenal)
scant 1/2t saffron (a pinch)
1T vanilla
3-4 peaches, divided

Measure out 1/4c coconut milk and whisk in 2T arrowroot until smooth, set aside.  Combine the rest of the coconut milk, sugar and saffron in a medium pot and bring to a boil over medium heat. 

While heating, puree 1 large peach in a blender or food processor to yield ~1c puree.

Just as the coconut milk mixture comes to a boil, remove from heat and whisk in arrowroot mixture, vanilla, and peach puree.  Let cool, then refrigerate a few hours until mixture is well chilled.

Dice another peach and set aside.  Churn in an ice cream maker, according to manufacturing directions, adding the diced peach while churning.

Dice the remaining 1-2 peaches and serve with the ice cream!

(You could dice all 3 peaches at once, but they'll start to discolor a bit when stored in the fridge so I wrote the instructions to achieve the brightest colors and peak freshness.)

Thanks to everyone who entered my giveaway and commented on my last two posts!!  Thanks to, the winner of the $90 CSN giveaway is brandi!  Brandi, congrats :)  Shoot me an email, and you'll be ordering some of the Pfalzgraff Cappuccino collection before you know it! 

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend!  Anyone doing anything fun??

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite

In the eighties, impending lovers would concern themselves with HIV; in the nineties it was herpes; this decade saw a resurgence of syphilis. All that is history, because from now on, romantic fear will be of bugs.

Bedbugs, to be accurate, which have found a foothold in beds all over the country and are looking to make a home in a mattress near you. Really near you.

(Ohio is allegedly bedbug central, but that's sure to be New York elitists blaming innocent Midwesterners to divert attention.)

Consider this quote from a University of Kentucky study:

95% of U.S. pest management companies surveyed said they had 'encountered a bedbug infestation in the past year'.

Quoted from this Business Week article which neatly summarizes the problem. [link]

We'll look back on the last thirty years as a golden age, a period of insect-free sleep and fearless lying on perfect strangers' beds. Back then, careful folks would insist on blood tests to prove sex-worthiness; from now on they'll want a pest inspector's report.

Chat-up lines will morph, too. Men will sidle up to women in bars and whisper in their ears:

Hey honey, my place got sprayed today. Wanna come back and smell the DDT?

As the New York Times notes, there is no chemical that can reliably kill our new wee bedmates on a large scale. So I'd say it's back to sex on hard surfaces, like bathroom vanity units and hoods of cars. I guess it could be worse.

Bottoms Up, Nibblers!

Pic of lady bedbug from here [link]

Friday, September 3, 2010

Happy Hour in Summer

A piece of advice for men is that it's a waste of time playing the "...does she like me?..." game. No-one knows the answer - maybe she does, maybe she doesn't - so fugheddaboutit, dude.

When you're up to your plums in gums with a woman, that's when you know if she likes you. And make no assumptions, it might just be a sympathy/release/one night thing. There's no telling. Don't make wedding plans.

You, sir, will never divine what she's thinking, so don't try.

Happy Hour tonight had Mr Nights, my local co-conspirator, and your humble correspondent in the company of five hot babes. Sam was there, as was Elizabeth, plus other examples of hawt chick-flesh seemingly happy in a social milieu.

That's the frustrating element. You're a man in a social setting, reigning in the most base instincts you have and...

...I'm sorry, what did you say? I was checking out your breasts, wondering what they'd taste like..., that's so interesting. Tell me again how you met your ex-husband...

See what I mean? Every road I drive this conversation down is sexual, whereas the gathering was to commiserate Mr Nights' move to Nevada.

Las Vegas. Now that sounds like fun, doncha think?

Bottoms Up, Gamblers!

Vegas woman photo from here [link]

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Cranberry Sprint Tri 2010

Location:  Lakeville, MA
Distance:  Sprint (.5mi s, 11.5mi b, 3.1mi r)
Time:  8am start
Weather:  62 heading to the start!
Participants:  350 +/-

Me & Kerstin
Despite yawning the entire ride down, I arrived in Lakeville ready to go (after a potty stop, hehe)!  Check-in was easy, got some Hammer goods (which I've been using on long bike rides, score!) and setup my bike while my dad took a nap rested his eyes.  Found Kerstin, some other BPC friends, and after a pre-race meeting it was go time.

A few days of rain cooled the temperature of Loon Pond down to 76 (from 82 a week before!).  There were bright green and orange buoys marking the rectangular, counter-clockwise swim... that looked awfully far!  I was in the second wave (with all women under 29), so I didn't have to wait long before we got in the water for the start.  While it wasn't that deep, I made sure to sit down and get my head wet, so it was less of a shock when we starting swimming.  Before I knew it, we were off and it wasn't too long before I was able to settle into my breathing.  There wasn't too much bumping, the most notable thing being the blinding sun on the way back in!  I couldn't quite see the last buoy or shore, but I just kept swimming and did my best to sight.  I had no idea at the time, but at 16:35 I was pretty much on par with my last swim.  A bit of a slippery exit and run back to transition that wasn't all that bad.

Knowing that the two-loop course that was relatively flat, my goal was to keep a good pace the entire ride.  I got going pretty well and started passing a bunch of women (presumably in my age group).  Coming around for the second loop was a little hairy, as we merged with people just entering the course.  By this time it was also more crowded so I was glad there wasn't much traffic on this open course.  I don't really remember much from the second loop, just tried to stay strong!  I was an idiot and didn't turn on my bike computer until a little ways into the bike, but I was happy to see an average of 19.3mph afterwards!

Given the fact that I had run 3miles all of twice in the last month or two, I wasn't quite sure what to expect.  I was a little shocked to see so few bikes when I got back from transition (I think just the elites), so I tried to be quick putting on my socks (got a blister the time i tried to run w/o them) and sneakers before grabbing my race belt as I left for the run.  While my legs didn't quite feel awesome, I was just glad that my foot didn't hurt!

The first woman to pass me was probably somewhere around 1mile or so.  I couldn't tell which age group she was in, but she was looking good and I knew I had to run my own race and let her go.   Water on the head at the aid station, and then a hill.  A hill?  Alright, well, only one way to go!  Crap, another hill?  This one didn't feel good.  Another woman passed me at some point after mile 2.  This time I knew I had to keep her in my sights, and I was able to stay right behind her.  As we turned the corner and headed back into the park I started to kick and passed her, hoping that the finish line wasn't too far away.  Luckily it wasn't!!

Six seconds ;)

We congratulated each other on a great race, I grabbed lots of water, some orange sections, and Oikos (yay for race sponsors)!    I found out later that she was in my age group and I finished 6 seconds ahead of her ;)  Better yet, I was second in my age group (out of 36)!!  Overall time 1hr 20:29 (77th overall).   Given everything that's gone down this summer, I didn't know if I could pull it off.   To top it all off, I got to watch my recruit finish her first triathlon and spend some time with my dad.   Oh what a day :)