Thursday, September 2, 2010

Cranberry Sprint Tri 2010

Location:  Lakeville, MA
Distance:  Sprint (.5mi s, 11.5mi b, 3.1mi r)
Time:  8am start
Weather:  62 heading to the start!
Participants:  350 +/-

Me & Kerstin
Despite yawning the entire ride down, I arrived in Lakeville ready to go (after a potty stop, hehe)!  Check-in was easy, got some Hammer goods (which I've been using on long bike rides, score!) and setup my bike while my dad took a nap rested his eyes.  Found Kerstin, some other BPC friends, and after a pre-race meeting it was go time.

A few days of rain cooled the temperature of Loon Pond down to 76 (from 82 a week before!).  There were bright green and orange buoys marking the rectangular, counter-clockwise swim... that looked awfully far!  I was in the second wave (with all women under 29), so I didn't have to wait long before we got in the water for the start.  While it wasn't that deep, I made sure to sit down and get my head wet, so it was less of a shock when we starting swimming.  Before I knew it, we were off and it wasn't too long before I was able to settle into my breathing.  There wasn't too much bumping, the most notable thing being the blinding sun on the way back in!  I couldn't quite see the last buoy or shore, but I just kept swimming and did my best to sight.  I had no idea at the time, but at 16:35 I was pretty much on par with my last swim.  A bit of a slippery exit and run back to transition that wasn't all that bad.

Knowing that the two-loop course that was relatively flat, my goal was to keep a good pace the entire ride.  I got going pretty well and started passing a bunch of women (presumably in my age group).  Coming around for the second loop was a little hairy, as we merged with people just entering the course.  By this time it was also more crowded so I was glad there wasn't much traffic on this open course.  I don't really remember much from the second loop, just tried to stay strong!  I was an idiot and didn't turn on my bike computer until a little ways into the bike, but I was happy to see an average of 19.3mph afterwards!

Given the fact that I had run 3miles all of twice in the last month or two, I wasn't quite sure what to expect.  I was a little shocked to see so few bikes when I got back from transition (I think just the elites), so I tried to be quick putting on my socks (got a blister the time i tried to run w/o them) and sneakers before grabbing my race belt as I left for the run.  While my legs didn't quite feel awesome, I was just glad that my foot didn't hurt!

The first woman to pass me was probably somewhere around 1mile or so.  I couldn't tell which age group she was in, but she was looking good and I knew I had to run my own race and let her go.   Water on the head at the aid station, and then a hill.  A hill?  Alright, well, only one way to go!  Crap, another hill?  This one didn't feel good.  Another woman passed me at some point after mile 2.  This time I knew I had to keep her in my sights, and I was able to stay right behind her.  As we turned the corner and headed back into the park I started to kick and passed her, hoping that the finish line wasn't too far away.  Luckily it wasn't!!

Six seconds ;)

We congratulated each other on a great race, I grabbed lots of water, some orange sections, and Oikos (yay for race sponsors)!    I found out later that she was in my age group and I finished 6 seconds ahead of her ;)  Better yet, I was second in my age group (out of 36)!!  Overall time 1hr 20:29 (77th overall).   Given everything that's gone down this summer, I didn't know if I could pull it off.   To top it all off, I got to watch my recruit finish her first triathlon and spend some time with my dad.   Oh what a day :)

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