Monday, September 21, 2009

Nerds, Goths, Jocks, Dweebs, Motorheads and Geeks.

Attracting persons of interest - in the romantic relationshippy way, not the FBI way - is a perennial problem. Despite millenia of evolution and generations of practice, lots of us still struggle, and matters appear to be getting more complicated. Finding the right partner thesedays is like peeling an onion; there are many layers, and it sometimes ends in tears.

Miss Min elegantly describes her onion:

"I go for the nerd, hands down. But not the ones that still live in their parents' basement, have a lifetime subscription to World of Warcraft and list "Klingon" as one of their native languages. I like the ones that are slightly enigmatic, slightly socially inept, disgustingly intelligent and can match my aptitude for conversations in randomness."

This definition is remarkably well drawn. Having a clear picture is both a blessing and a curse, a little like eating the same thing for lunch every day. Nerd sandwich might be filling and nutritious, but when something really tasty and new pops up on the menu, you might not know it. However, having a starting point is, well, a good start.

That's my train of thought for this week: can we stereotype the kinds of guys ladies like, and what are those stereotypes?

By the way, Miss Min, your ideal guy sounds a lot like Ferris Bueller.

More on K & B: Stereotypes Part Two, Stereotypes Part Three.

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