Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Marry an older woman

According to the BBC*:

The proportion of brides in England and Wales marrying a younger man rose from 15% to 26% in the years from 1963 to 1998, it said.

The percentage of women marrying a man at least six years younger more than doubled in that time, from 3% to 7%.

The report concluded people were now marrying less for social status and more to fulfil "individual goals".

That's clear enough. In 35 years the proportion of Cougars successfully bagging a younger guy increased by 133%. Good for them. My question revolves around 'individual goals'. What individual goal is met by marrying a younger - or even much younger - man?

I have an idea. Individual goals include:

~ wanting a harder-bodied man than those in her age-group.

~ wanting a more malleable man than those in her age-group.

~ wanting a trophy.

~ wanting to show her virility (or should that be fertility?)

~ wanting someone to look after her in old age.

Remarkable. These reasons look to be exactly the same ones that attract men to younger women, with one exception.

Cougars Part One, Cougars Part Three, Cougars Part Four.

*The statistical study is here.

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