Sunday, September 13, 2009

At the stop lights, waiting for her green lights.

Finding the right person is not a precise pastime. We would all like to know exactly where we stand with respect to particular members of the opposite sex, but it's not that kind of a universe. Do they like us, love us, feel indifferent, want to boil us in oil? Without spending lots of time with them, observing and talking, it's impossible to know.

And if we can never be 100% sure within ourselves of how we feel about someone, that someone will have a tougher time figuring us out too. Everyone in the dating world lives in an uncertainty cloud, never really knowing what's going on.

Which is why this article about Stoplight Parties caught my eye. By wearing clothing or an accessory coloured green, amber or red, the individual reveals their availability, thereby improving visibility a little.

I like the idea. Oddly, it is the red-wearing people I admire the most. They're romantically taken, or just not interested, so their status is crystal clear; sexual intercourse is out, social intercourse is in. When ambiguity is resolved, everyone knows how to proceed.

That's where I plan to take this week at Kiss & Blog, along the route of discovering how to interpret (especially) green lights, and how to clear that uncertainty cloud.


Women's green lights Part Two, Green lights Part Three, Green Lights Part Four, Green Lights Part Five.

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