Monday, December 28, 2009

That's me in the corner. With Elin.

You might have seen me standing there, away from the crowd, on my own. I am there because they're not my crowd, and I'm not their person.

Everyone in the world understands the details of or knows about or has experience with Makeup Sex except me. I don't think I ever had Makeup Sex, although I might have unwittingly had MS and mis-labelled it. It is possible that a session of Sunday Morning sex should have been scored as Makeup Sex, but I'm not certain.

When people talk about it, I stop talking to listen closely. When I find an article or blog post about it, I pay particular attention. And still I don't get it.

The problem is with me. My skew is that Makeup Sex follows a contretemps between a couple. More than a contretemps, does not Makeup Sex require an actual argument? I always thought that the trigger - or the cocking of the hammer - is a good ol' barney, with shouting and preferably something chucked at the other. But I could be wrong.

My deal is that I dislike argument, and will avoid it if at all possible. Argument to me is disagreement with heat. Argument is more about playing the man than the ball. And that's the big thing I want to avoid: moving from communicating contrary ideas to attacking a contrary person makes me nauseous.

Ergo, if Makeup Sex requires an argument, I've missed out, but it's possible that might be a good thing. In any case, I'm a minority of one, because apparently everyone else is getting their fair share. Except maybe Tiger.

Photo of Elin Woods from all over the internet.

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