Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I'm impressed, you guys all recognized the painted ladies from Full House! When I got back from San Francisco, I had some ripe persimmon pulp waiting to be used. Thanks to my vacuum sealer and the coldest spot on my fridge (verging on freezer), it was still good!

Fuyu persimmons

If you've never had persimmons before, there are two varieties seen in stores (I saw a third in CA!). Fuyu persimmons (as shown above) look like an orange tomato. These can be eaten slightly under-ripe like an apple (skin included). Hachiya persimmons look more like an acorn. These you want to let fully ripen, otherwise it'll be so astringent (due to tannins) you won't want to eat another one... and that would be a shame! When it's ripe, it will be very soft (almost squishy), and you scoop out the pulp (not eating the skin). Hachiya's can be ripened in the freezer if you're short on time, otherwise just leave them at RT. The pulp can be frozen, too!

So what did I do with my persimmon pulp?? I tried Joy's Persimmon Pudding, using buttermilk instead of milk, white whole wheat flour, and baking it with the foil on then off (half the time). I don't even know how to describe this, except moist and yummy! I really enjoyed it... for dessert and breakfast ;)

Persimmon Pudding

I also made a small batch of muffins using Susan's recipe for a Fall Harvest Cake. Incredibly moist (I'm sensing a theme) from the persimmon puree and studded with freshly picked apples, these little cakes disappeared very quickly!

Fall Harvest Muffins

Next time you see these babies in the store, pick some up and treat your tastebuds! Do you have a favorite thing to do with persimmons???

What, you wanted chocolate instead? Click here for Katie's contest!

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