Thursday, November 12, 2009

Kindness all around

I have more San Francisco pictures coming, but first things first. So many amazing things going on around the blogs, but I think the best is Katie's Operation Chocolate-Covered Kindness! Click away on CCK to raise money for The Enough project!

Some contest love, if that's what you're looking for... lots of loot to celebrate An Apple A Day's Blogiversary, a chance to try Stogo (in NYC) from Gena, a tera's whey giveaway from The Healthy Everythingtarian, and if she wasn't already giving enough, Katie is also giving us a chance to pick our own prize!

~Phew~ I still feel very behind from all that's been going on the past few weeks, but hopefully I'll catch up :/ I also want to thank Brandi before I forget. She passed along an award to me! I was very excited to meet her (and her hubby Nick) this past weekend :) Hopefully we'll meet again soon!

Now for 7 things about me that come along with this...
1- I feel badly for crumbs. If I'm at home, I tend to eat the crumbs first so they don't feel bad ;)
2- I don't know how to dive, and I'm too scared to learn now.
3- I'm not a coffee drinker, and never have been. Tea, please!
4- Finding Nemo is one of my favorite movies :)
5- I was a Girl Scout, as a Brownie and Junior! Good ol' Troop 12, still friends with some of those gals!
6- My right foot is ~1/2 a size larger than my left. (how rude!)
7- I have a bad habit of cracking my knuckles. I used to be alot worse, now it usually only happens when I'm nervous.

To share the love... I'm passing the award on to Sarah, Kerstin, Kelly, Sabrina, Diana, Mary Kate, and Sagan. If you haven't checked out these lovely ladies, I encourage you to go do so now ;)

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