Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Safety Word

Or safeword or even Safeword is short-hand for "stop what you're doing now, I'm at my limit."

Being tragically ill informed about the BDSM world, this is about the extent of my experience. As usual, a little knowledge is dangerous. Trying to be cool with stuff about which I know nothing always gets me into trouble. For instance, I made a joke with Angie, the bartender at my local pub the other day.

We need a safety word, I said.

Isn't that safeword, Wombat? she looked at me like I was from outer space.

Sure, whatever, safeword. I want my safeword to mean you should stop serving me drinks and give me the check.

Why can't you just ask for the check, and I'll stop serving you, she said, giving me that duh look she keeps for particularly specious customers.

Oh, c'mon, that's no fun. I want my safety word...


Sorry, safeword to be Pink Squirrel. I am triumphant now.

Pink Squirrel?, she repeated, without enthusiasm but with an extended duh look.

Yep, Pink Squirrel.

Angie walked away shaking her head. I think she thinks I'm weird.

Picture from here.

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