Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Trophy Wife

A Trophy Wife is:

A. A hunting memento one stuffs and mounts above the mantlepiece.

B. A shiny, hard-won thing that requires constant attention lest the silver fades.

C. The result of excess money and delusions of one's physical attractiveness.

The answer of course is:

D. Your divorce attorney's new boat.

By definition no-one ever marries their trophy wife first, a large oversight to be avoided if at all possible. Once a guy has made a few dollars, he often starts to believe in his own publicity, which is to say that he forgets his responsibilities to existing wife and family, and tries to remake himself in the mold of someone like Michael Douglas.

We all know where that path leads - plastic surgeries between endless rounds of golf.

So why do men with money, status and power seek to express themselves by marrying much younger and/or attractive women? Do they believe that they will lose twenty years by osmosis? Do trophy wives actually have the keys to the fountain of youth?

Maybe they do.

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