Thursday, July 2, 2009

Let's Debate About It

There is a difference between argument and debate that splits them neatly down the middle. Argument is a debate using emotions, and a debate is an argument using facts.

Important to note is that both argument and debate can be passionate, but only in an argument does a passionfruit get thrown. That's emotion getting to someone.

Sometimes a debate begins as a debate, and degenerates into an argument. Someone forgot they were supposed to leave their emotions outside, and then allowed them in, like a dog being let in from the rain.

Likewise, arguments can begin with emotion and end with fact, but it's a rare trick. I think that would be called dispassionate, and probably means there are neither dogs nor fruit present.

Beginners at this game often have difficulty distinguishing between a debate and an argument. A rough rule of thumb is that whomever is arguing will shout - or at least raise their voice - and whomever is debating will remain steady of voice, or even lower the volume.

The reason I raise this is because everyone needs to know in which activity they are engaged. If you're in an argument, you can't debate and expect a satisfactory outcome, and if you're in a debate and start arguing, you'll look silly.

Just ask me.

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