Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Men, facades and talking

The fact is that men can be divided into two groups: the men who talk, and the men who mask.

The men who mask form the majority. They are facadists, suppressing the real person behind by creating a false front which the public sees. I know these men exist because they are pretty much impossible for me to talk to, and they contrast so completely with non-facadist men. They could almost be another species.

If you don't like the word 'facade', we can use the word 'cloaked'. Cloaked men hide beneath bulky filler-type stereotype male junk that passes for manliness. That means sports, talking down their intellect, and almost always expressing themselves in cliches.

Not making waves appears to be their only goal.

Men not shackled by the need to stay below the radar - the non-facadists - stand out like the proverbial dogs' balls. I have known a few such gentlemen, and with the perspective of time, wonder why we aren't all like them.

Their defining characteristic is an ability to be themselves, and men, and communicators. They talk, and they listen, and they can synthesize abstracts. These skills almost guarantee success in life.

Just why is it that the majority of guys so easily fall into the role of 'guy' and not 'communicator'?

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