Friday, January 1, 2010

Friday Fluffer - Maximum Fluff

A mate recently gave me a used copy of Maxim, the lads' mag that bills itself as "The Ultimate Guys' Guide".

Remarkably, I swear that this edition was exactly - exactly - the same as the last one I read, more than ten years ago. All the same articles were there, from hangover cures to the photo-folios of unknown F-List girls. Beer ads. Condom ads. Jolly jottings on television, dates and how to dress well without being called "gay" rounded out the rest.

Ironic then that the first pop-up ad to appear when I visited their website was for eHarmony. Yep. Maxim. Fluff for men who daydream of fluffers but would be happy settling down with a nice girl. Like Sarah, above.

Edit: Media are a mystery, but recent correspondence makes me wonder why mags like Maxim don't embrace this wondrous internet thing, if only to tell me that I'm a douche. Why don't these morons know that I'm panning their loss-making arses? And why not make friends of like-minded or anti-but-sympathetic writers?

More fluffers here. [link]

Photo of Sarah Silverman pointing at her best asset courtesy of her PR flacks.

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