Saturday, January 30, 2010


A Crush is a mysterious animal, a combination of anticipation, fear, uncertainty, nervousness and being drunk.

The alcohol link works like this: For me, the peak alcohol buzz is at 1.2 martinis. That's the drinking waypoint which gives me feeling akin to having a Crush, or being in Crush, as it might be. That feeling is kind of shivery inside, a cool happiness full of wanting what might be.

Maybe that's why we drink, because that emotion emulates the Crush, at least for some of us.

Trying to dissect a Crush is difficult because they are such slippery creatures. One day you have no Crush, the next you have a terribly yawning desire for the Crushee. Crushes follow us through life, like those parasitic fish who follow sharks around the ocean. Oh. Maybe that's not the best analogy.

What I mean about Crushes is that they're entirely illogical and utterly unpredictable. My past Crushes have been on girls I have known for a while, not women new to me. For some reason the reservoir of emotion overflows the dam holding it in, and BOOM - I'm Crushed. Hopeless. Helpless. Unable to put her out of my mind.

Photo from this great site. [link]

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