Sunday, August 2, 2009

French Kissing

There appears to be a lot of confusion about just what constitutes French Kissing. One definition is 'Upstairs shopping for downstairs business.'

Why it is called 'French' as opposed to 'Manhattan Kissing' or 'Inuit Kissing' is a mystery.

Wait, it couldn't be Inuit Kissing, because those folks rub noses. Ah-hah.

By inference then, 'Manhattan Kissing' would be 'Mid-Town shopping for Wall Street business.' Hey, I just think I've coined a new term, although it puts a new spin on 'working on Wall Street.'

Where were we? Ah, French Snogging. I have no idea why this is such a problem; it is full-lipped kissing with tongue interaction. Get it while you can.

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