Sunday, August 16, 2009

Why doesn't she like me?

It's brutal isn't it?

I am not so sure. If you're in sales, you will know that there are three possible answers to the question:

So, would you like to place your first order?

Yes, maybe, or no.

Yes and no are equal best; yes because you have either a new or renewed customer, and no because it means you won't waste any more time with them. If they're not interested, they're not interested.

Maybe is the worst. Maybe probably means no, but they don't have the balls to say so. I treat maybe as no.

In the dating world, maybe is the worst answer as well. Maybe can mean an entire universe of things from:

I would like to date you but I am married,


I would go out but you are an inch too short.

If you ask the maybe person what their reason is, just as with a sales prospect, they're unlikely to tell the exact truth. Many people aren't good at saying no, nor are they good at telling you why. It's a human quirk, I think.

That's my theme for this week: Why do we dodge the truth with the opposite sex?

She doesn't like you Part 2, She doesn't like you Part 3, She doesn't like you Part 4.

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