Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Kiss the Vagina, but is it foreplay?

Let's set up this foreplay business.

First up, it is mostly about the woman.

Secondly, it is a customary precursor to penetration.

Thirdly, it is not an essential precursor to penetration.

No point in me attempting to describe foreplay better than here. This is the best and most succinct description of sexual petting, despite the pedestrian source. Worth a read.

Definitions are fine, but I like looking outside the box, if you'll pardon the expression. A wonderful idea came to me after a long talk with a lover one day, when she said:

I love it when you look at me like you want to eat me, then fuck me.

That struck home because it expanded the universe of foreplay from an act with a beginning and end, to something couples can engage in all the time. If a simple look can engender sexual feelings in a woman, foreplay can be all-the-time-play.

As enticing as that sounds, it's not practical. But the message to men is clear; foreplay is about more than just physical contact. Subtle creatures that they are, women respond to many more stimuli than you'd imagine. The key to understanding foreplay is to see it as something you can think your way into.

Guys should try this experiment. Next time you sit down with your wife or girlfriend, consciously think of her as sex on wheels. Imagine her in the way that arouses you most, and how much you'd like to taste her and smell her and fuck her. Talk to her - not about sex - while you're actively thinking about bending her over the kitchen table, taking her from behind.

You will be hard put to prevent yourself looking at her like you want to take her right now, and she will probably notice. It works. You don't need to leer or be salacious. Simply bringing her and her sexuality to mind will alter the energy between you.

Women want to be wanted. Women want to be thought of as sexy. It does not require a full-on fuckfest to keep her simmering. Men, this is foreplay at its most simple.

Foreplay Part 1.

Foreplay Part 3.

Foreplay Part 4.

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