Thursday, December 6, 2012

Banana Oatmeal Cookies

You may have noticed that my posting schedule has become less frequent of late.  Indeed, there has been a lot going on this past year behind the scenes.  Not the least of which includes my involvement with Boston's chapter of Girls on the Run.  Girls on the Run is an amazing non-profit organization whose mission is to help young girls develop healthy habits and self-esteem, all the while training for a 5k.

image source

I'm sure you can imagine that working with 20 girls this season has been extremely rewarding, if not slightly challenging at times ;)  They cease to amaze me with their insights on difficult topics and boundless energy.  Many girls are surprised by what they can do with a little encouragement (or a lot!), and I know there will be some very proud coaches and families at the finish line of the run.

wordle from a lesson earlier this season

As the girls are wrapping up their season this Sunday at Walter's Run, I wanted to bake up a quick treat for their last practice.  I'm guessing none of the girls suspected they were healthy, and the requests for seconds makes me think they were quite a hit!

Banana Oatmeal Cookies
adapted from Live Well 360 (which may not exist anymore)
yield:  2 1/2 dozen

For a nut-free version, I bet oat flour (oats ground in a food processor) would work in place of the almond meal.

3 large bananas
2t vanilla extract
1/4c melted coconut oil
2c rolled oats (I used Extra Thick, use GF if desired)
2/3c almond meal
1/2t cinnamon
1/2t sea salt
1c mini cinnamon chips

Preheat the oven to 350deg.

In a large bowl, mash the bananas.  Add in vanilla and coconut oil and whisk well to combine.  In another bowl, mix together oats, almond meal, cinnamon sea salt and cinnamon chips.  Add to the banana mixture and stir until combined.  Using a small cookie scoop (or a 1T measure), drop cookies onto a parchment-lined baking sheet ~1" apart.  Press down gently with your fingers to get a flatter cookie (they won't spread while baking).  Bake for 12-15min, until they're not too soft to the touch and the cookies don't look wet anymore.  Let cookies cool completely on the baking sheet and then store in an airtight container.

Sound like a cause you'd like to help out?  There are many ways to get involved!!

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