Monday, December 3, 2012

Underbody Rustproofing and Free Floor Mats

In the car game, they call it The Grind.

You sit in the salesperson's office while she pretends to cut you a deal. She - please call me Dee - makes you think that the dealership is about to give you the car by way of a special low price. The sales manager must be consulted. News returns that you've been blessed by the boss's largesse. Sadly, the company is making only making twenty-five dollars on the deal, but that's your good luck. Dee wants you to know she's struggling to make this month's quota, so a sale is a sale.

Now, let's talk about those extras. We recommend the underbody rustproofing and special paint protection. Buy those and Dee will throw in some floor mats.

Dating is the same. You fancy a particular girl who makes you feel right. She might be somewhat out of your league. You have prospects, a decent personality and no priors, plus you want kids. (Never underestimate this thesedays.) You make your play; a bid for her affections, with a view to marriage. She will get back to you.

We're all familiar with this dance. The difference between The Grind and dating is that women used to consult with their mother and/or father about your long-term suitability. I'm not so sure this happens any more. My feeling is that ladies will ask girlfriends or siblings or Miss Cleo. Or they'll say "screw that" and decide for themselves, taking charge of their own car dealership. 

Bottoms Up, Grinders. 

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