Thursday, July 29, 2010

Amica 19.7 Ocean Beach Tri 2010

Location:  Ocean Beach, CT
Distance (Sprint): 1/2mi s, 16.1mi b, 5k r
Time: 7am (I was in the 4th wave)
Weather: mid-hi 70s, sunny, humid
Participants:  297

I went to visit my college roommate for the weekend (she's in CT), so I only had an hour drive the morning of the race.  Better yet, I actually heard my alarm ;)

As indicated by the name, this was an ocean swim and the water temp was 71degrees.   Most people were in wetsuits, and not just for buoyancy-- they actually served as protection from jellyfish in this race!  While I saw one or two, I think I survived unscathed.   Ocean swims are tough.  I've only done one before (in my second tri) and spent what seemed like minutes in a panic, not swimming, as soon as I entered the water.   I was hoping this time would be better, and tried to anticipate the shock by getting in the water for a few quick strokes before the start.

(I took this after the swim, so I drew in some buoys :))

It was a beach start, with a rectangular course marked by big orange buoys (we swam clockwise).   The elites went out first, followed by two waves of men.  All the women and first timers were in the last wave.   My swim wasn't perfect, but I kept swimming despite the waves and saltiness that almost immediately entered my mouth (I wasn't swallowing it, I could just taste it).  Eventually I settled down and somehow was the first in my age group out of the water!!   At 16min 24sec, there's still room for improvement, but I handled this ocean swim better and was happy with that!  (For reference, the fastest women out of the water were around 12 minutes.)  The run up to the transition area was a little long but the white sand was nice and soft so it wasn't too bad.

I was a little worried about the bike course, as the race packet contained many warnings about the conditions of the road.   Luckily, the town had done some paving for us the week before, and there was only one small section that was not so hot.   The course had some rolling hills, one good climb (shorter than the last one), and some amazing views!

I felt pretty good for the first part of the bike (passing people!), but lost a little in the last few miles (and got passed by a few ladies).   I was pretty happy with my bike time (52m 29sec), which averaged out to 18.4mph.   Not my fastest bike time, but not the flatest course ;)   I have recently (this summer) discovered how much my bike performance depends on nutrition, and am still trying to figure out how much I need.  Based on the way I felt, I should've taken in some more calories towards the end of the bike, but since I wasn't going out on a run afterwards, I didn't.   I came in from the bike second in my age group (less than two minutes behind)...

~sigh~  While I handed in my chip instead of heading out for the run, I know the run was nice and flat, and heard that it was a little hot (maybe not alot of shade?).

A couple things of note-- the body marking wasn't in the best spots (hard to see from the front and our helmets weren't marked) so I had to search unmarked photos to find mine.  I also only had two photos from one photographer on the bike so that was a bit of a bummer.  (There would've been more had I done the run)   Nice technical shirt, but other than that a pretty lackluster swag bag.  That said, it was the first year of the event and I liked the course a lot (even if I need more practice in ocean swimming)!   The Amica 19.7 race series is great, as there is a universal distance at different race sites.  Sure the course profiles will be different, but at least it's a little easier to compare your times.  There's two more of their races in the area (Boston & Newport) later this season if you're interested!


I'm getting ansy.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Egg Salad with Grilled Vegetables and Crisp Bacon

I keep connecting with an early childhood memory about summer days at the beach.

To get to the beach we'd drive a long time in our hot car and coming home, I was always sunburned, with gritty sand in my swimsuit.  The travel part wasn't what I liked, but the picnic lunch my mom packed sure was.

Fried chicken, potato salad, biscuits with butter and honey, watermelon slices, and egg salad.

My dad rarely came with us so usually my mom had a friend along for company while my sister and I splashed in the water, determined to annoy one another as much as possible.  After awhile we'd get tired. Then it was time to eat.

We'd load up paper plates and settle down on the sand watching the older kids body surf.  We didn't talk much but we'd share the moment enjoying our mom's food.

I don't know why but it's the egg salad I most remember.  Hers was a pretty straightforward affair.  Hardboiled eggs, some red onion, mayonnaise, a little salt and pepper.  Sometimes she'd add capers if she wanted to get all fancy.

I don't get down to the beach much these days, but when I travel and know I have to endure the long lines at security, a cramped airplane cabin, and no food service, I bring along a couple of egg salad sandwiches. Nothing is more comforting at 30,000 feet.

Egg Salad with Grilled Vegetables and Crisp Bacon

Starting with my mom's basic recipe, I've added grilled vegetables and freshly chopped parsley for color and flavor. Crisp bacon bits makes the egg salad really good. The bacon strips can be cooked first but better is to mince the raw bacon and saute the bits. That way, each bacon bit is nicely browned and holds a uniform shape.

Yield: 4 servings

Time: 45 minutes


4 farmers' market fresh large or extra large eggs
1 large carrot, washed, ends trimmed, peeled
1 ear of corn, tassels and husk removed, washed
1/2 cup Italian parsley leaves, washed, finely chopped
1 tablespoon capers, rinsed, finely chopped
2 strips of bacon, finely chopped, sauteed until crisp, drained
1 tablespoon finely chopped shallots or scallion
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
2 tablespoons olive oil
Sea salt and black pepper


I like to put the eggs into a pot of cold water, turn the flame to medium-high, and cook them for 30 minutes. Many people say that's way too long but it works for me. The yolks come out flaky, the whites dense. Rinse with cold water, take off the shells, and roughly chop.

Slice the carrot into flat slabs about 1/4" thick and 3" long.  Toss in olive oil seasoned with sea salt and black pepper.  Do the same with the ear of corn.  Grill until lightly browned all over or oven roast in a 400 degree oven for 15 minutes. Turn frequently to avoid burning. Let cool.  Finely chop the carrots. Remove the kernels from the cobs.

In a large mixing bowl, combine the chopped eggs, carrots, corn kernels, parsley, shallots, and crisp bacon bits. Toss. Season with sea salt and black pepper.  Add the mayonnaise and mix well.

Serve on bread, crackers, or lettuce leaves.


Add 1/4 cup roasted red pepper, finely chopped

Omit the bacon

Add 1/4 cup finely chopped, pitted olives

Roast 2 garlic cloves, tossed in olive oil, seasoned with sea salt and pepper until lightly browned, peel off the skins, finely chop the soft garlic and add to the egg salad

Add a dash of tabasco or a dusting of cayenne pepper for heat

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Dollar's Up, the Euro's Down. A Perfect Time to Visit Amsterdam

With the Euro down and the dollar up, now is the perfect time to plan a trip to Europe.

Some travelers hesitate about visiting Europe if English is their only language.  Good news.   In Amsterdam, English is the second language. So don't worry if you need help. You don't have to ask, "Do you speak English?" because everyone does.
Barely seven hours from New York city, with easy access through Schiphol airport, Amsterdam is a compact city, hosting dozens of world class museums, miles of picturesque canals, well-maintained parks, narrow streets with old-world charm, hundreds of outdoor cafes and bars.

The scale of the city is people-friendly.  Most buildings in the old city around the canals are only three to five stories tall.  Cars and trucks avoid the narrow cobblestone streets, leaving pedestrians and bicyclists in charge. Every few blocks there is a central square ("plein") with shops and markets. If you’re out walking and you want to take a break, you’re only a few steps from a cozy café or a bar where you can refresh yourself with a beverage and a snack.

If you want a cup of coffee, though, don't ask for directions to a "coffee shop" because you'll find yourself in one of the many shops where people go to have a joint or smoke hash. "Koffie houses" serve coffee.  Don't expect to find a Starbucks. There are only three in all of the Netherlands.  

Contrary to popular opinion, marijuana is not legal in Amsterdam.  You can buy it and smoke it in coffee shops but don’t try going for a walk along a canal and lighting up a doobie.  You might get arrested.

The Red Light district is one of Amsterdam’s top tourist destinations.  Window-shopping here takes on a whole new meaning. 

One very big no-no is taking photographs of the women in their windows.  If you do, you’ll be unpleasantly surprised by a large Eastern European gentleman who will throw your camera and maybe you into the nearby canal.

During the summer holiday season a lot of tourists are in town.  You'll see mobs of young men and women from the U.S., U.K., Italy, and Spain partying together--usually drinking and often singing--in bars, around the squares and walking through the Red Light District.  Keeping to the quieter parts of town, families with kids visit the museums, go on canal cruises, and hang out in entertainment centers. Couples get around town on bicycles or take long walks, hand in hand, along the canals, taking in the sights and enjoying being together.  

What's great about Amsterdam is that the city works for all of them.

Amsterdam is home to dozens of great museums, not the least of which are the Amsterdam Historical Museum (Kalverstraat 92) , the Dutch Resistance Museum (Plantage Kerklaan 61), the Filmmuseum (Vondelpark 3), the Foam-Fotografiemuseum (Keizersgracht 609), the Royal Palace (Dam), and the remarkable Hermitage Amsterdam (Amstel 51). 

Ongoing renovation has temporarily closed the Stedelijk Museum (Museumplein 10) which houses an impressive collection of modern art. The national museum, the Rijksmuseum (Jan Luijkenstraat 1) is also undergoing renovations. 

Even though you can't see all the collection, the oil paintings by the Old Masters are on display and well-worth the visit. Don't overlook the decorative arts collection, especially room 3 with the amazingly detailed dolls' houses created for Petronella Oortman.

The Van Gogh Museum (Paulus Potterstraat 7) houses the world’s most comprehensive collection of the famed artist’s work.  Light, airy, and spacious, a walk through the exhibit space is invigorating. The museum is one of Amsterdam's most popular.

The centerpiece of any trip to Amsterdam is, of course, a visit to the Anne Frank House (Prinsengracht 67). There is usually a line to enter the museum, so bring something to read and an umbrella, because there is always a chance of rain, even in summer.

Visitors take a self-guided tour through the beautifully preserved house. Moving together in small groups, sharing the small spaces, ducking under the low threshold of the hidden doorway, and climbing the impossibly steep staircases, it is easy to feel the claustrophobia that the Frank and Van Pels families experienced.  
Walking through the house is an emotional experience shared with Anne herself. Her words are etched onto the walls and her diary, with its delicate, precise handwriting, is displayed for all to see.

In an attic section of the annex, portions of a 1967 filmed interview with Otto Frank are projected on the wall.  He talks about reading Anne's diary for the first time after the war and being surprised by her deep thoughts and self-criticism.  The Anne he read in the diary was "quite a different Anne than the one I knew."  From that fact he comes to a realization felt by most parents who have lived far more ordinary lives, "My conclusion is that parents don't know really their children."

Getting around Amsterdam can be confusing at first, especially if you live in a city based on a grid, like New York or Los Angeles. The streets are not laid out in a simple north-south, east-west configuration.  In fact, the streets go every which way.

That's because Amsterdam is organized around the four original, beautifully preserved 17th century canals--Singel, Herengracht, Keizersgracht, and Prinsengracht--that encircle the old city like rings. Starting on the north-western side of Amsterdam, the canals curve south and then circle up to the north-eastern edge of the city.  

All those curving canals mean that the streets running alongside will do some acrobatics themselves. So if someone tells you to meet them on Singelgracht, they could be in the western, southern, or eastern part of the city.

To make matters more confusing for first-time visitors, streets change their names without warning.  In the center of town, even a major thoroughfare like Rokin changes its name to Damrak when it travels through Dam Square.  Imagine if Broadway changed its name when it passed through Times Square.

So if you get lost, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. What you need is a good map, like the "Cito Plan Amsterdam" (15th edition), a large map that won't fit in your back pocket but shows most of the streets in Amsterdam as well as the stops on the tram (electric streetcar), metro (subway), and bus routes, with an easy to use street index on the back. The map is widely available in department stores, tourism offices, tobacco shops, and gas stations, as well as on line

Restaurants are not cheap in Amsterdam.

Asian food, for example, is priced higher than Americans would expect. Dishes that cost $7.00-10.00 in New York, might cost double in Amsterdam.

In any case, most travelers agree, you don’t visit Amsterdam for the food. The museums, no question. The canals and parks, absolutely. The Red Light District and the "coffee shops," sure, if that's your thing. But the food.  Not so much.

The restaurant food is hit-or-miss. Most dishes are under seasoned, but that doesn't mean you won't eat well.  You'll have good cafe food--great sandwiches, delicious cheese, excellent coffee, and lots of really good breads, rolls, and desserts.

But track down outdoor markets like the Northern Market, New Market , or Albert Cuypmarkt and you’ll find vendors selling the most delicious cheeses, meats, fish, and baked goods.

If you want to eat like a local, you’ll want to try smoked eel and raw herring at the herring shacks that dot the city.  Most visitors eat the lightly pickled herring on a plate, sliced with chopped onions and pickles.  Locals, on the other hand, eat their herring Amsterdam style in which the herring is kept whole.  You bend back your head and lower the fish into mouth as you greedily ingest its sweet flesh.

When you are paying the bill in a restaurant or a cab, don't tip.  The tip is almost always included in the charge. If you liked the service, the polite thing to do is round-up the payment.  Leave €2.00 for instance on a €1.75 bill.

Amsterdam is getting a face lift.   Important public buildings are being renovated, including Centraal Station and the Royal Palace in Dam Square.  Subway construction is very visible in the busy commercial district on Rokin and Damrak.  For the most part you'll only be mildly inconvenienced, although the city isn’t as beautiful as it can be.

Don’t assume that your American credit card will work in Amsterdam.  At high-end restaurants and hotels, your credit card might be honored, but maybe not, so ask before you run up any bills.  When you're walking around town, stopping in cafes, or shopping in small stores, you'll definitely need a pocketful of Euros.

Most American cell phones don't work in the Netherlands.  The ones that do, carry hefty roaming charges.  Unfortunately disposable cell phones aren't readily available, so you might have to get used to living unplugged. Mostly, that's ok, but if you're meeting a friend or family member and you're running late, you won't have a way to connect so it's good to meet at a cafe where if one of you is late, it won't matter.  You'll have a second beer and another plate of bitterballen, a deep-fried, crunchy local taste treat.

Buses, trams, and the subway criss-cross Amsterdam in a very efficient way. Since June 1st, to use the public transportation system, you have to buy a Chip Card (OV-chipkaart) which can be loaded with any amount.

Single rides are expensive (€2.60). If you're only in town for a short amount of time and want to see as much of Amsterdam as possible, an economical way to use the Chip Card is to buy a time period during which you have unlimited rides: 24 hours (€7.00), 48 hours (€11.50), 72 hours (€15.50), up to 120 hours (€23.00). The clock starts the first time you use the card. At Metro stations and on the tram, you will need to use your Chip Card to enter and exit.

Another option for tourists is the I Amsterdam Card which allows for unlimited rides during 24, 48, or 72 hour periods, plus a number of discount coupons to local businesses and access to almost all of the museums (except the Anne Frank House). The cost is considerably higher.

Chip Cards and free copies of the tram, bus, and subway routes can be picked up at the GVB store across from Centraal Station or online and also at the many information kiosks, indicated by signs with an “i”.  

Taxis are plentiful in the old part of the city but expensive. Before the taxi moves a foot, the charge is €7.50 Euros, which makes even the shortest trip cost at least $15.00-20.00, depending on the distance and current exchange rate.

Renting a car is not recommended.

Trying to navigate the narrow, pedestrian and bike clogged streets of Amsterdam is challenging at best and after you arrive at your destination you’ll be confronted by a bigger challenge, parking.

Amsterdam's canals are not only picturesque, they're functional. Canal tours, water taxis and canal buses leave from Centraal Station and offer a unique view of the city. Canal-Bus' Hop on, Hop off Canal Cruise is a good way to see the city and visit major museums like the Hermitage, Rijksmuseum, and Anne Frank House.

Amsterdam is bicycle heaven.

If you rarely bike, you have to try it in Amsterdam.  Bicycling is the best way to see the city.  And because bicyclists have the right of way, you’ll feel greatly empowered as you buzz around the city, zooming in and out of the narrow streets and alleyways.

Bike rentals are widely available.  At Centraal Station where all the trams, buses, subways, ferries, canal tours, and trains stop, there is also a MacBike store (Stationsplein 5), so when you arrive in town, you can pedal away and start your tour of the city.

In a city of 750,000, it is said there are probably that many bicycles and many of them have been stolen at least once. When you rent a bicycle, it would be wise to buy theft insurance and to listen carefully to the instructions about how to double-lock your bike.

While streets may be marked one-way, that only applies to cars and trucks. Bicycles and Vespas, which share the bike path, can go whichever way they want. So when you’re crossing a one-way street, be sure to look both ways.

The Dutch are a generous and polite people, but not when you violate their right of way.

When you’re walking, stay on the sidewalk. If you hear a bell ringing in your left ear, it’s not tinnitus.  Move to the right, a bicycle is about to pass you. If you don't move quickly enough, you're likely to hear the Dutch equivalent of "Are you deaf?" or worse.

If you are riding a bicycle yourself, remember what you learned as a kid.  Don’t stop suddenly and always use arm signals so you won’t cause an accident.

If you’re like most visitors to Amsterdam—myself included—you’ll have one thought at the end of your trip.  You want to come back.

Raspberry Peach Cake

A couple of weekends ago I went raspberry picking with a friend of mine.  We got there bright and early to beat the heat, but unfortunately didn't find buckets of raspberries.  Alot of them had already been picked and a bunch more were unripe or moldy.  Luckily it wasn't a complete loss, as I left with three 1/2pints full of luscious red rubies!

On the drive to the farm, we were discussing our plans for the bounties we thought we'd be bringing back.   My friend mentioned a cake that she had made before that she liked that paired raspberries with peaches.  Mmm, peaches.   Sounded like a winner to me!

When I saw the first local peaches from Marshall's Fenway Farmstand, I exactly what I was going to do :)   I adapted the recipe a bit, but ended up with a delicious cake that was light yet hearty.   A perfect summer dessert, I absolutely loved it!

Raspberry Peach Cake
adapted from Fine Living

3oz (1/2c+2T +2t) oat flour (just ground oats)
3oz white whole wheat flour
1t baking powder
1/4t baking soda
1/4t salt
1/2-1t cinnamon (to taste)
4T butter
1/2c brown sugar
1/4c evaporated cane juice (or granulated sugar)
2 large eggs
2T unsweetened applesauce
1/2t almond extract
2/3c greek yogurt
1 small peach, thinly sliced
3/4c raspberries
1t evaporated cane juice
2t white whole wheat flour

Preheat oven to 350.  In a small bowl, combine the dry ingredients (flours through cinnamon).

In a mixer, beat butter and sugars until light and fluffy.  Add the eggs, one at a time, beating until fully incorporated.  Add applesauce and almond extract.

Fold in half of the dry ingredients, the the yogurt, and finally the rest of the dry ingredients.  Pour into an 8" cake pan sprayed with nonstick spray.   Shake the pan to spread out the batter.  Bake for 15min.

While the cake is baking, combine the topping ingredients (peaches, raspberries, sugar and flour) and lightly toss together so the flour and sugar get absorbed by the fruit.  After 15min in the oven, remove the cake and top with the berry mixture.  Return to the oven and bake 25-30min more.

Cool the cake for 15min in the pan on a cooling rack.  Remove from pan (you'll have to flip it twice, so the fruit is on top) and serve with a dusting of powdered sugar or a scoop of your favorite ice cream!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hope Springs Eternal

As an underaged but regular drinker, Friday nights were everything. Sports, school, vacations: nothing came close to that specific nervous anticipation before meeting my buddies for (illegal) drinks on the last day of the week.

Naturally there's something about being a teenager. One has the sure knowledge that you have the world completely by the balls. As a male, my own balls told me everything I needed - that I could get away with the underage drinking gig; my parents would never know; that I would be irresistible to girls; that this time would last forever.

Wrong. On all four counts.

But the pain of such mistakes lead to refining the plan. Once I was a legal drinker, the focus shifted from the thrill of drinking in public to the women one might meet in the process. The Friday night anticipation - and associated excited nervousness - persisted, not for the booze, but for the broads. A little success in the romance department whilst drinking sealed the deal.

Alcohol reduces inhibition (duh) a fact I continually learn and sometimes regret, usually the morning after. So it's (again, duh) no surprise that drinking and dating go together like gin and tonic. More accurately drinking and pre-dating go together, because nothing puts one in mind of meeting the love of one's life than a glass or two of champagne, or 1.2 martinis, or a teaspoon of absinthe, or whatever gets you to the perfect drinking buzz.

Forgive me then if this love affair with drinking, friends, and the chance of meeting new lady friends mash up with Friday night anticipation, for this I know is true: If you walk into a bar and order a drink, you never know with whom you'll walk out.

Bottoms Up, Barflies!

Pic from Sports Illustrated (obv) and here [link]

Mass State Tri 2010

Location:  Winchendon, MA
Distance:  Sprint (1/3mi s, 12.5mi b, 5k r)*see below, (Olympic also)
Time:  8am (I was in the 2nd wave)
Weather:  mid70s? and sunny
Participants:  273 (322 for the Olympic)

Not hearing my alarm on race day?  Woops.  Must've been because I wasn't that excited,  normally I have trouble sleeping!  That or I was really tired and my alarm was going off at 4:40 ;)


Luckily I did wake up, albeit to my ride buzzing my apartment.  All my stuff was packed, so I put in my contacts, pulled on my outfit, threw ice in my water bottles and ran downstairs.  The only thing I forgot?  My camera.   Ooops.   We still got to the race site somewhere after 6:30 with plenty of to check in and get setup before the 8am start.   Phew!   

 woah, serious!
I think it's that oh-my-gosh-it's-about-to-start face

The swim started in the water (we could still touch), in between two buoys.  I knew there were going to be alot of fast swimmers in my wave, so I wasn't too alarmed when I saw alot of pink caps get ahead of me pretty quickly.   While the course didn't seem that long, I was never able to settle down and get into a groove.  I think this is probably reflected in my time of 10:33.  Not bad, but room for improvement :)

 out of the water

I decided to tri (ha) a few new things during the bike since I wasn't worried about final times.  Ultimately they should help cut down on my transition times, but I wanted to see if there was a pay-off in terms of comfort.  The first was to go sock-less, as putting on socks over wet feet isn't a walk in the park ;)   Baby powder and body glide helped me slide right in and I didn't have any problems with blisters.   I just need to figure out what to do about the stank to my bike shoes now...    I also didn't use my bike gloves and barely noticed it during the ride.

The course for the sprint was one 12.4mi loop, olympic distance racers did two loops.  Knowing that I wasn't going to run, my plan was to see how I was feeling and possible go for the olympic bike to make up for the missed run.  It took me awhile to feel good on the bike, as I was still trying to catch my breath from the swim.  There was one significant, mile-long hill ~mile4.5.  After my first (slow) trip up, I contemplated calling it quits after one loop.  But the only way to improve my climbs is to do more of them, so I set off for a second loop.  There were a few sections of road that were a bit rough, and a good portion was open to traffic, but overall not a bad course.

at the top of the hill,
wondering why they put the photographer here...

Having taken in fuel and recovered from the swim, I felt better and was determined to try and match my time from the first loop.  Still slow on the big descent, I felt good and finished the second loop 2 minutes faster than the first!  Total time for the 24.4 miles was just under 1hr 25min, which averaged out to 17mph.  Luckily there are some good downhills to make up for the climb ;)  Not too bad, but again, room for improvement!

Well, here's where I called it quits.  After racking my bike I turned in my chip and tried to rehydrate.  I did hear that there's quite a bit of shade on the run, which was definitely appreciated as the temperatures had already begun to soar.  While the sprint course was relatively flat, the olympic course had a few mole hills which I can only imagine feel like mountains :)

Luckily I knew a handful of others doing the race, so I changed and headed to the finish line to get my cheer on.  It's always fun to see people so close to completing their goal, many of whom were doing it for the very first time.  After watching everyone come in, I finally felt like I could manage the post-race bbq and thoroughly enjoyed my pulled pork sandwich!   Max Performance definitely put on a well run race, and the combination of the sprint and olympic distances seemed pretty seamless.

Overall time:  DNF

I'm ok with it, as long as my foot's getting better.  T minus 1 week until my xray/podiatrist appointment.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Dames I Adore - Amy Winehouse

It was a mistake, her name, or her parents changed it at some point, but Amy was born Amy Crackwhorehouse. As a case of natal nominative determism predicting adult behaviour, her parents were right to change. The sad part is that she lived up to her pre-natal destiny.

Amy is a beautiful women on the inside, and that's what I love. She can sing, she's capable of affection and knows how to commit in a relationship...particularly if we're talking a relationship with a drug dealer. Discretion is important to me and obviously to Amy as well, given that she can conjur pretty much any kind of illegal dope whenever she needs. And she needs more often than most.

How is it that famous folk can get high in public and never face Roger Law? They have to do something really bad- and do it often Lindsay Lohan - before the Plod even notice. If it were me, I'd be in Q doing ten long before I could say 'medical marijuana'. Yet another reason to dig Miss Winehouse - she's gonna keep me from the iron bar motel.

Amy is a curious mix of old-fashioned and modern girl. She stuck by her husband, Mr Blake Fielder-Civil, while he served some of that aforementioned jail time for trying to pervert the course of justice and grievous bodily harm with intent. Small shit in the scheme of things. But it's boring making visits to English prisons twice a week, so she eventually dumped him in favour of long nights boozing and brawling. That's the New British Woman part of Amy - she doesn't mind a good brawl, and often swings at the people closest to her (who aren't drug dealers.) That would be the paparazzi. Or whomever is in the line ahead of her at the off-licence.

Nothing wrong with a stout woman demonstrating it.

My only quibble with Amy is her personal grooming. She's fond of the Liz Taylor version of Cleopatra's eye make-up, but I have a suspicion she's not terribly regular with her bath. She variously looks like a scabrous dog or a crackwhore on parole officer visit day. Sometimes I wonder if she's lost the soap under a pile of cider bottles or a pile of crack pipes.

All of which invokes my rule of some love remaining at arm's length. Wise men understand that if a woman doesn't appear to wash at least semi-regularly, you don't want any part of you in any part of her. There are some things even soap can't wash away.

Bottoms Up, Crackwhores!

Photo of darling Amy from here [link]


I was recently in Syracuse, NY to celebrate my grandmother's 89th birthday.  She's an amazing and strong woman, my Nanny, and I was glad to be able to spend some time with family.  On the way back to Boston, I was able to stop at the farm and pick some goodies to bring with me.  Thanks David & Al!!

I was very excited to hear that there were more shelling peas to be picked!  There was also some snow peas, spinach, lettuce, and young garlic!  I need to get out there more often :)  I hope you'll forgive me that I'm posting another recipe that pairs peas with pesto.  They just go so well together!   These were quite yummy, and I think my dinner guests agreed :)

Pesto Pea Crostini
Recipe by Shannon
Yield:  1/2c pesto pea mixture, enough for 4-6 as an appetizer w/crostini

1c shelled fresh (or frozen) peas
1 sm garlic clove
2T freshly grated Parmesan
freshly ground black pepper
2T pesto
1-2T olive oil
your favorite loaf of bread (I used ~8oz of Trader Joe's peasant bread, cut into thin slices and then in half)
good olive oil

If using fresh peas, shell them while bringing a medium pot of water to a boil.  Prepare an ice bath in a small bowl (just add cold water and ice).  Add peas to boiling, salted water and cook for 1-2 minutes, then remove and plunge into cold water to stop the cooking and preserve the vibrant green color.

Add peas, garlic, parmesan, pepper and pesto into the bowl of a food processor.  Process until well combined, drizzling in olive oil until mixture comes in together into a smooth spread.

This can be made ahead, simply refrigerate until using.

When ready to serve, preheat oven to 400 (or broil).  Spread out your bread in a singe layer and drizzle with olive oil.  Bake until crispy.  Remove and set crostini on a platter.  Top with a dollop of the pea-pesto mixture and serve!

Race recap to come later this week...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pull Yourself to Bits

How refreshing to see male masturbation out in the open. Not completely out in the open, you understand, but on the teev. And not for reals, more acted out than naturalistic. From the waist up. Actually, it was more a hint than anything else. Still, for an act so popular and so little discussed it was a decent start.

Saturday night Mr Nights and I were watching Californication, Season One. I don't watch television, indeed don't even own one, so it was a treat to see so many naked women, gorgeous breasts and rampant shagging on the box. Where has this show been hiding? It's like twenty-seven minutes of guy fantasy/Penthouse letters acted by beautiful and sometimes teenaged women.

Episode Two, I think it was, showed a secondary character (a man) discovering naughty photographs of his sexetary on the internet. He does what every bloke with a pulse would do, to wit: grab his schlong and manipulate it to erection and orgasm. We don't see any of this, of course. The shot (camera shot) is of him behind a desk, head and torso only. Masturbation is implied.

Sidebar: Odd, to my mind, that all kinds of m/f congress is shown in this show, but the penis is evidently not yet ready for prime-time. Double standard, no? End sidebar.

My quibble about this male jerk-off scene is that it looked too much like the Meg Ryan orgasm scene from When Harry met Sally. Frankly, I thought her rendition was a little actorly, but Evan Handler's rendition of the male O in Californication was quite over the top. For a start he was too vocal. Masturbating men will tell you that it's all about what's going on in your brain, and the link between the physical manipulation and one's imagination. It's a silent, internal thing. Also, he lasted only about fifteen seconds, which is totally not the point. The idea of wanking is to prolong those endorphin-fuelled feelings for as long as possible; orgasm is just the icing on the cake.

Maybe a grunt or two at the crowning glory stage is normal, but all that gasping for breathe and "Oh God" shit is pure chick. (Although when one is having sex with a woman, it's natural to up the verbal communication factor. Natural and automatic, I submit.)

Which gives me an idea. I wonder if it wouldn't be smart for couples, early on in the relationship, to watch each other get themselves off. In fact, I'd go further and say the earlier, the better. It would save a lot of time finding out what the other person likes. First date masturbating? That might be taking it too far, but at least it's creative.

Bottoms Up, Self-Pleasurers!

Happy Rachael Ray from here [link]

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Friday Fluffer - Is She Filthy?

Sitting in a car at a crosswalk with a buddy, a hottie sashayed in front of us. We followed her progress across the road in unison, drinking in every curve.

I innocently wondered out loud whether she performed a particularly sordid sexual act.

"My friend," my friend replied in measured voice, "they all get their freak on. The only question is whether it's with you."

View all Friday Fluffers here [link]

Bottoms Up, Dirty Girls!

Filthy bitch from here [link]

Savory Zucchini Bread

My first tri of the season is this Sunday.  At this point I am usually excited, a little nervous, anxious....  but not today.   I haven't mentioned it, but my right foot's been bothering me since I got back from Italy.  I cut back on the frequency of my runs, but when it started to hurt when walking, I called and made an appointment with the doctor.

I left with orders to not run for a few weeks.  Likely tendinitis,  I've already got an x-ray and appointment with a podiatrist lined up to rule out a stress fracture and (hopefully) figure things out in a couple of weeks.   It's been rough, I'm not going to lie.

But this bread made me smile.  And made my stomach very happy.  I used it to thank people for some of the little things they have done for me lately.  And they loved it as well.  If you're looking for a twist on traditional zucchini bread, I'd highly recommend it.

Like all of nature's bounty, zucchini has its seasons.  And I'd like to be competing in triathlons for many more zucchini seasons.  So I will continue to observe my hiatus from running...  it's been almost two weeks.  At least I can still bike and swim.  And eat zucchini bread ;)

Savory Zucchini Bread
adapted from Food Blogga
Yield:  1 9x5 loaf, or 3 smaller loaves

1 1/2c white whole wheat flour
1/2t salt
1/4t fresh ground pepper
1/2t baking soda
1/2t baking powder
1 lg egg
1 lg egg white
3/4c evaporated cane juice (sugar)
1/2c canola oil (I use Smart Balance blend)
1c shredded zucchini (mine was heaping)
1/4c sliced spring onions
1/2c crumbled feta (or whatever cheese you have on hand)
1/4c Daregal Fresh Frozen Original Herb Blend  (or whatever you have on hand)
pepitas (pumpkin seeds), for garnish

Preheat oven to 350deg.  Coat pan(s) with nonstick cooking spray.  Place shredded zucchini on paper towel to remove a excess moisture.

Beat egg, egg white and sugar in mixer.  Add oil and continue mixing until well combined.  Add in dry ingredients and mix by hand.  Fold in zucchini, onions, feta and herbs.  Pour batter into prepared pans and top with a sprinkling of pepitas.

Bake larger loaf for 50-60min, or until tester comes out clean.  Smaller loaves will take 30-40min.  Cool 5-10min in pan, then remove to a cooling rack and cool completely.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Getting Lucky

Flatteringly, I've been linked (and Cut and Pasted) by Lucky Girl, for which I must invite myself to New York and buy her dinner.

God, wouldn't that be a fine thing, going to New York? Yeah, and not likely for the next little while (even if Lucky Girl actually allowed me to squire her around for a couple of hours.)

Which nicely leads me to the thought of dating in the Great Recession. Unemployed people date too, don't they? Underemployed people date as well, I assume, but with a much reduced budget. Noticeable in my cruising the bars is that while there are fewer people out dining, folks are still out drinking. But I'm in Florida, which no longer has any work apart from changing adult diapers.

Maybe dating with fewer dollars in your sky-rocket is easier. If there's less in the way of fluff between meeting and bonking, the decision is made earlier, and on more realistic grounds. I have gone overboard too early on a date. Big dinners, bottles of champagne, elaborate plans are NOT appropriate for the first TEN dates at least. That lesson cost me MUCHO money, I can tell you. And while flashing the cash can push a chick over the edge if she's wavering, it won't undress her if she can't imagine herself with you.

It's so often about how she thinks about you, whether she imagines herself in whatever romanto/domestic sitch she dreams about.

Bottoms Up, Job Seekers!

Pic of fast daters from here [link]

Monday, July 12, 2010


I was lucky enough to receive part of a lab-mates CSA share when she was going out of town!  Amidst the spring onions, kale and parsley lay a small bunch of radishes.  Hmm...  last I remembered I didn't like them, but I was determined to give them another try.

My first bite was of one freshly washed.   Bite, indeed!  If I was going to like them, it wasn't going to be raw :)  I roasted half of the bunch in a little olive oil, salt and pepper, and while it didn't quite have the same bite, it wasn't anything I'd do again.

My last ditch effort was a radish dip I found online.  Combined with feta and some other goodies from the CSA (onions and parsley), the radishes almost disappeared into this light and refreshing dip!   As a dip for veggies or pita chips, even as a topping for a burger, I really enjoyed it :) 

Radish Dip
adapted from A Veggie Venture & Farmgirl Fare

4oz radishes, washed, trimmed & quartered
1/2c sliced spring onions
1/4c (or more) parsley
2oz Nufatchel (1/3 less fat cream cheese)
2oz feta
1/2T lemon juice/zest
1/4t salt
fresh ground pepper

Add radishes, onions and parsley to bowl of a food processor.  Pulse until everything is finely chopped.  Add rest of ingredients and process until smooth, scraping down the sides of the bowl.  Taste and adjust seasonings.

Are you a radish lover or hater??  Favorite way to eat radishes?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dames I Adore - Kate Gosselin

Kate's uterus is, I am reliably informed, now in the Uterus Hall of Fame. We men are intellectually aware of how one woman can have a litter of kids...and yet she remains the material of significantly awful nightmares. I have this vision of a never-ending expulsion of babies from between her legs.

However: Childbirth is but a tiny fraction of womanly skills, so let's not dwell. Even if I occasionally wake to the vision of Kate's vagina issuing new-borns like a barn-cat, that will not prevent me from seeing her for the woman she is and not a life-support system for that over-stretched cervix. Begone, obsession!

Kate is unfortunately defined by all the stuff we see surrounding her. Her ex-husband, for one, shouldn't be held against her. Neither should the decision to adopt a television network as her ninth child. And neither should the three plastic surgeons, the six agents, the fifteen hair stylists nor the fashion consultant on retainer influence us in our opinion.

Kate's a regular suburban girl who got lucky with fertility drugs. It's the same story the world over, as Angelina Jolie will tell you. Err, actually, that's not true, because Angelina's a nutburger and many of those kids?

Anyway, Kate's attraction to me is all about her accessibility. She's the girl-next-door with whom we played pong-knuckle in tenth grade; she's got that sturdy fetlock look that regular guys recognize as valuable when pushing the mower; and darling Kate loves her false titties as much as any frottage aficionado.

Kate might be a bossy ball-buster, but there's so much more to adore. If you're reading this Kate, how about a make-out session and a little game of stink finger? You know you want it.

Bottoms Up, Octomoms!

Kate at her best from England's second-best newspaper [link]

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Friday Fluffer - Gスポット

In the Anglosphere, we're used to talking about and feeling for the G-Spot, despite evidence it's all one big hoax. <----Link. Being a hoax is no reason to disbelieve anything in today's world, so in the face of evidence, I choose to believe. However, I went to find out what "G-Spot" is in other languages. In Japanese, I know, it is "G-Supotto", which I find singularly cute.

In German: G Punkt (Really the Gräfenberg Spot.)

In Arabic: ز الموقع

In Welsh: G Fan

In Dutch: Four Heinekens and a Grope

God love the Lowlanders. Them and their fingers in dykes.

Bottoms Up, G-Spotters.

Thighs courtesy of here [link]