Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Not so much fresh

Before I forget, I wanted to thank Justin, from Marx Foods, who sent me samples of some of their whole spices!!

Totally made my day :) I can't wait to use them! And I finally took down the snowflakes... we did pass the first day of spring after all.

Part of the reason for my lack of posting?

Dante & Sampson

More doggie time!!!! Seriously, I can watch them play with each other for hours :) So entertaining! And when Dante wants to cuddle on the couch with a movie, who am I to fight??

Oh right, food. For now all I got is this Beet, Fennel & Jicama Salad w/Macadamia Nut Dressing. It was just ho-hum. I like fennel better caramelized, not so much a fan of it fresh (hence the title of this post). But hey, I tried! The tomatoes seemed slightly out of place, and the dressing had potential, but didn't seem to fit here. Maybe in cookies ;-) I could've just been in the mood for something warmer given this weeks' *chilly* temperatures in Boston.

Next time I promise something more tasty... and I got one word to entice you back-- nutella. You'll be back to see what it is, right? :) Thought so!!

Still more contests... Ricki is having another sweet contest, and I only wish I was closer to Toronto! Trust me, this one's good, b/c I never thought I'd say that :) Elina and Abbie are taking their turn playing Granola Mix-a-lot. There are also a bunch Newman's Own goodies up for grabs, and last but not least, there's also a chance to get your paws-err, hands, on Barney Butter! That should keep you all busy :)

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