Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hash Tag Hook-Up

The one-night-stand is the micro-blog of the relationship world, the Twitter, if you will, of hookups. All you need to do needs to be done in a few hours, no exceptions. Depending upon your state of mind, the afterwards will be regretful, grateful, boastful or just plain dazed, but once 'published', it's out there forever.

What separates the ONS from other relationships is that no-one sets out to...what's the word?..create a one-night-stand. They're purely a circumstantial animal, the result of shared horniness and mutual attraction. By definition they're held together with sexual glue, but that's a glue with an expiration date of the next morning. There's an idea; time-limited Sex Glue. That works on a number of levels.

One night stands have a slightly bad name, likely because one is led to believe that one party (the female?) will be aggrieved by the love 'em and leave 'em attitude. Wrong. Frankly, I think the ONS serves women way better than men, in that they're likely to be more picky about his skills than him about hers. She gets the convenient 'out' from a dud bash without any more explanation than "Oh, he was just a one night stand." No-one ever questions it, but everyone secretly knows that he didn't measure up.

So if you're a guy, be circumspect. Green lights from a hot dame are awesome, but understand that she has the power to label you #didntdoitforme

Bottoms Up, For One Night Only.

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