Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Smoked Salmon Pizza

A week to go before my move, and this recipe was inspired by the pumpkernickel pizza dough that was hiding in my freezer!  This time I went with a more traditional pairing incorporating some delicious smoked Alaskan salmon.  Two things less to move and a delicious dinner :)

Smoked Salmon Pumpernickel Pizza
Recipe by Shannon

A few notes:  I was out of capers, but if you've got some hanging out in the fridge, I'd chop up 1T or so and add it to the mix!
     The pizza dough freezes beautifully (wrapped tightly in saran and stored in a ziploc bag).  A day or two before making the pizza, I defrosted the dough in the fridge and then brought it to RT for an hour before baking.
     While I grilled this pizza, you could also bake this in a hot (450deg) oven!  I love my pizza stone for a nice crispy crust- preheat with the oven, then remove and add the dough and toppings.  Bake until cheese is bubbly, ~8-12min.

pumpernickel pizza dough (I used ~1/3 recipe)
4oz Nufatchel, RT
1/2c 2% greek yogurt
1-2t fresh chopped dill (I used fresh frozen)
2T diced red onion
4T diced cucumber
salt and freshly ground pepper
6.5oz smoked salmon (I used canned Alaskan Smoked Sockeye, but feel free to use what you find in the grocer's deli case)

Preheat grill on high heat.

To prepare the cream cheese spread, combine nufatchel, yogurt, dill, red onion and cucumber to a small bowl.  Season with a dash of salt and some pepper, then mix well and taste.  Adjust seasonings and set aside.

To prepare your dough, flour the surface.  Start stretching the dough with your hands and then continue with a rolling pin until it's ~1/4" thick (I like it on the thin, crispy side).  Spray one side of the dough with cooking spray (or use a paper towel with some oil) and add, oiled side down, to the grill.  Grill for ~4min, until cooked (you'll see nice grill marks, and perhaps some bubbles in the dough).  Flip dough over and grill for another 3-5min, until crust is crispy.  Remove the dough from the grill with tongs and transfer to a large plate or cutting board.  Spread cream cheese mixture evenly on the dough, then top with flaked smoked salmon and serve.

I've still got a few cans left, so I'd love to know your favorite way to enjoy smoked salmon??

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