Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Oatmeal Spice Biscotti

For the last cookie installment before I leave for home, I bring you these biscotti.   Reminiscent of oatmeal cookies, kicked up a few notches with some spices.  Apparently I was in the mood to spice things up this holiday season :)

The dough for this biscotti was different than I'd worked with before, in that it was pretty wet.  I trusted Nicole and continued on, and it all worked out!   I even managed to salvage the one I took out of the oven too early ;)


Not too sweet, I thought these were a good accompaniment to the other cookies I made.  They had a nice spicy quality to them, but not so much that I could taste anything savory.  Thoroughly enjoyed with a mug of tea!

Oatmeal Spice Biscotti
adapted from Baking Bites

2c flour (I used a blend of AP and white whole wheat)
1/2c rolled oats
1/2t baking soda
1/2t baking powder
1/2t salt
1t cinnamon
3/4t freshly ground nutmet
3/4t ground ginger
3/4t cumin
pinch of cloves
pinch of cayenne pepper
3 eggs, RT
1/2c sugar
1/2c brown sugar
1t vanilla extract
1/2c raisins

Preheat oven to 350deg.

Combine dry ingredients (flour through spices) in medium bowl and whisk until well combined.

In a stand mixer (or large bowl), beat eggs on medium speed.  Slowly add in both sugars and continue beating until light and smooth, a few minutes.  Fold in vanilla, flour mixture and raisins.    As the batter is quite wet, you will be able to pour out the batter onto a parchment-lined cookie sheet.  I used my spatula to form regtangular shapes ~1" high, on two cookie sheets.  Sprinkle extra oats on top of dough.   Bake in preheated oven 25-30min, until browned on the edges and not soft to the touch.  (If you're not sure, try to lift it up with a spatula, if it seems dough on the underside it's not done yet)

Remove from oven and turn oven down to 300deg.   Use parchment paper to transfer logs to cutting surface.  Use a serrated knife to cut into ~1" slices, then lay biscotti on their side back on the cookie sheets.  Bake 15min, then flip over and bake another 15min.   The cookies should be firm at this point, if they're not add on another 10min.  Transfer biscotti to a cooling rack and allow to cool completely before storing in an airtight container.

I also made some Coffee Shortbread w/Crystallized Ginger (see below, delicious!), Seven Layers (always a favorite) and Maple Bacon Oatmeal Cookies.  And now I need a sugar detox :)  At least they've all been delivered and enjoyed by friends and family!!

Coffee Shortbread w/Crystallized Ginger

Here's to a wonderful holiday season, filled with cookies and cheer!!!  

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