Sunday, December 26, 2010

Constant Change

The dilemma for the curious person is this:

A stable partner is good for all sorts of reasons.

But a little instability in one's life is also good, particularly in one's sex life. Being off balance makes us work new muscles. The trick is to not topple.

Once you've found someone with whom you have a groove, it's natural to want to keep it. If we mesh, the machinery of life whirs wonderfully.

We all change and morph over time, and so do the things that turn us on or turn us off.

With one partner, unless we're both concentrating on keeping it interesting, the risk is of falling into a rut.

And the only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.

I'm not advocating cheating or weird marital arrangements - neither will work. Thinking about how to encourage one's partner to be open to a little exploration, now that might be just the (small) off-centredness we need.

Bottoms Up, Changelings.

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