Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Raspberry-Fig Goat Cheesecake Bars

Before I get to the cheesecake, I just wanted to say thanks for all your comments on my tri posts!   My xray revealed no stress fracture or bone spur, so that is good news.  I got the go ahead to try a little bit of running again to see how things feel, so *fingers crossed* things will go alright!

Inspired by a frozen yogurt recipe, I had been waiting for the day that I would find both fresh figs and raspberries at the same time.  I liked the idea of this combination and knew it would be perfect on top of cheesecake!   I thought they turned out really well and hopefully we'll get some testers to speak up in the comments ;)

Raspberry-Fig Goat Cheesecake Bars
Recipe by Shannon
Yield:  9x13 pan, # will depend on how big you cut them!

There are a few steps to making this cheesecake, but the puree and crust can be made ahead!

For the Puree:
3.5oz fresh figs, halved (~1/2c)
4.5oz raspberries (~1c)
~2T evaporated cane juice (or granulated sugar)

For the crust:
1 sleeve low-fat graham crackers (or 4.5oz of your favorite variety)
1/2c rolled oats
2T evaporated cane juice (or granulated sugar)
1/4c white whole wheat flour
3T butter, melted
4T almond milk (more if needed)

For the Cheesecake:
12oz goat cheese  (or 11oz, if that's the size of your package)
2-8oz pkg Nufatchel (1/3 less fat cream cheese)
1 lemon, zest and juice
1 1/2t vanilla
1 1/4c evaporated cane juice (or granulated sugar)
4 eggs  (next time I might try 2 eggs and 1/2c egg whites)

For the fig puree, combine figs and raspberries in the bowl of a food processor (or blender).  Puree, taste, and add sugar 1T at a time.  Depending on how ripe the fruit is, the amount you add will vary.  Set aside.  (This makes ~3/4c)

For the crust, preheat oven to 350.   Combine graham crackers, oats, sugar, flour and butter in the bowl of a food processor (or blender).  Blend until finely ground.  Add milk and pulse until completely moistened, you may need more milk.

Pour the graham cracker mixture into a 9x13 pan sprayed with nonstick spray and press evenly into the bottom.   Bake for 10min, then cool on a rack for at least 20min.

For the cheesecake, reduce oven temp to 325.  Cream together goat cheese, cream cheese, lemon zest and juice and vanilla. Add in sugar in two additions, beating until mixture is creamy.  Add eggs, one at a time, scraping down the sides of the bowl as necessary.  Continue to mix until very smooth.

Pour cheesecake mix into prepared crust and spread evenly.  Add the raspberry-fig puree on top of the cheesecake and swirl around using a knife.  There's no rhyme or reason, just get creative!  Bake 50-60min, until the edges look set and the center is a bit jiggly.  Cool completely in the pan.  Then cut into whatever sizes you prefer (I went with ~1" squares).

The original instructions said to refrigerate it for at least 6 hours before serving, but we enjoyed them pretty much right after baking...  I think everyone liked them anyways :)  They also hold up well in the freezer, and are tasty frozen, too!

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