Friday, October 9, 2009

Talk to me, big boy.

Internet dating in its current form excites me not at all. As I have written before, it's a gigunda People Mall reliant upon guys liking what they see (pictures, not words) and women liking....well, I have no clue how women interpret dating site profiles.

There are the eHarmony-type sites which purport to use scientific questioning to match personality types. Success, they claim, lies in the clever untangling of your personality at a "deeper level" thereby overcoming the shallow visual attraction. Fair enough.

Then there are the video dating sites. These provide fodder for YouTube, as poor unfortunates chronically unused to being on camera attempt to brand themselves as fabulous mates with a few seconds of ill-advised self-revelation. Bad.

My idea is different. I want to avoid the visual, as it's too powerful for guys to overcome. Many folks are hopeless at articulating a self-sketch in words, and that too needs junking. So what about an audio-profile in which a trained interviewer spends five or ten minutes asking questions of the date-seeker? The recording would then be available for download, along with a short, professionally written blurb, and a way to contact the candidate should you be interested.

The advantage is that a friendly interview in audio form is intimate. The right interviewer can draw out even the most recalcitrant person, and we're all much better at talking than we are at writing. For those seeking a mate or a date, hearing a voice and an outline of their ideas on a few topics gives you a decent idea of who they are - way better than that photo of them at the Trevi Fountain seven years ago.

All I need now is a name. And a (moneyed) backer.

Edit: November 3. Here's my chat with Miss Have the T-Shirt about this idea.

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