Friday, October 30, 2009

A Tribute Meal- Hot Dogs & Potatoes

The passing of a family member is always hard, but I think it's important to celebrate their life and enjoy the memories you will keep with you. At my grandfather's memorial service, I couldn't help but to be in awe of all he accomplished with his almost 89 years. A man of many talents, he was incredibly generous with his time and touched many lives. Now I know where my dad gets it!

Me & Poppy

When it comes to food, there are certain things that I'll always remember about Poppy. The ends of bread were always his, and liked things crispy. Crispy may be putting it lightly, as that usually meant charred and overcooked ;) One of his favorite meals was hot dogs and potatoes. This week, I made it for him--here's to you, Poppy!

The general idea is to fry up some thinly sliced white potatoes, season with salt, pepper and paprika, and add in some sliced hot dogs and hot peppers. I tried to minimize the oil and used turkey dogs, but... it wasn't as good as I remember it. What can I say, most things are better when Nanny (or mom) makes it! Regardless, I'm sure Poppy was eye-ing the nice crispy layer that formed on the bottom of my stainless saute pan ;)

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