Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sunny Apricots

Apricot Cake

Doesn't that look like sunshine? :) Or maybe pillows... All this rain seems to be getting to me ;)

One way to brighten your day is to make this delightful cake to make with some fresh apricots! I made half the recipe in an 8" round pan. Instead of a mix of WWW and quinoa flour, I used a mix of mostly WW pastry and a little WW flour. I also used honey, and even though I accidentally added 1/4c yogurt (that was the original amount, not halved), I needed a little liquid to make the dough come together (I used Lactaid). I had ~1T chopped pistachios hanging out in my freezer, so they got tossed on top instead of almonds.

full frontal

I overcooked mine just a tad (or maybe could've used a bit more liquid), but it was still delicious. I opted for a drizzle of honey at the time of serving instead of a glaze. I'd highly recommend this for brunch or a not-to-sweet dessert! I'm sure any stone fruit (plums, peaches, nectarines, pluots, apriums... did i get them all?) would work well here :)

this is my good side

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