Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Turkey Tuesday

Sometimes I look forward to the obligatory turkey sandwich after thanksgiving more so than the big meal ;)  In anticipation of some leftovers from the upcoming holiday, I tried out some recipes that would put leftovers to good use!  This is the first of a series of posts to give you some different ideas for how to use that extra turkey.

Curried Turkey Salad
adapted slightly from Pinch My Salt
Serves 3

I've been meaning to try a curried salad like this for awhile, and I'm glad I did.  It could easily be made with chicken or tofu as well!

2c cooked/leftover turkey, chopped
1/2c diced apple (I left the peel on)
1/3c dried fruit and nuts (I used a mix of sour cherries and pecans)
1/3c greek yogurt
1 1/2T olive oil mayo
2-3t curry powder (more or less depending on how spicy your curry powder is and taste buds!)
1/2T honey
pinch salt
few grinds of fresh black pepper
2-3 small sweet potatoes, roasted (at 350deg for 45-60min), if desired

Prepare the dressing in a large bowl:  mix together yogurt, mayo, curry, honey, salt and pepper.  Add turkey, apple, and dried fruit/nuts and stir until well combined.  Serve as a sandwich, or over a roasted sweet potato!

*Disclaimer:  Nature's Pride bread pictured above provided by Foodbuzz Tastemaker's program.  It's the Oven Classics Honey Wheat, and I'm a fan!

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