Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Strong Silent Type

Here's an observed relationship vignette I can't shake:

A friend invited me to a friend's party on a Saturday evening. It wasn't a big deal - ten or twelve people, some couples, some singles, some drinks and some free-form food.

The hostess's husband was out when we arrived, with his brother and a buddy. Riding off-road motorcycles was their recreation of choice.

About two hours after the last guest arrived, the husband and company turned up. He parked his giant truck and trailer in the driveway, walked in, grabbed beers for him and his posse, and sat down to watch sports on the idiot-box. Not only did he not greet his wife with more than a grunt, he made no effort to introduce himself to her guests, nor did he make any move to participate in the party.

I am picturing this large muddy man, beer in paw, staring mindlessly at his television while the socializing proceeded around him.

There's no knowing how the marriage worked. But from the subtle hints the wife exuded it is fair to characterize her attitude as 'exasperated'. At one point she fell in love with a strong silent man and married him. Now there is just silence.

Photo of Uma [link]

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