Monday, February 15, 2010

Decisions, decisions.

Here is a quote from an email the FAA sent me yesterday*:

70 percent of aircraft accidents are the result of poor decision making. Despite our efforts, we have not been able to improve this statistic. Flight instructors have been reluctant to adopt reality based training, simply because they have not had training or feel that there is no place or time for this training in their primary pilot program.

This pertains to dating as well.

70 percent of failed relationships are the result of poor decision making. Despite our efforts, we have not been able to improve this statistic. Singletons have been reluctant to adopt really basic principles, simply because they all think they're experts, and that there's no place or time for training in their primary desire; to find The One.

If you could see me now, I'm standing up with my hand in the air. Poor Decision-Making should be my nickname. I am guilty of some rip-roaring, ocean-going, Titanic-style bad decisions.

Maybe the FAA should go into the relationship advice business.

*The Federal Aviation Authority is the United States' federal government's bureaucracy that oversees all things airborne.

Pic from here [link]

Edited for clarity.

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