Monday, February 22, 2010

Memories of Lovers Past

Some people have the happy knack of remaining friends with past loves. I think this mostly applies to men, but that's only for lack of pertinent women-data in my life.

It is possible that women react more negatively emotionally to break-ups because they attach more, earlier. (See the Ten Date Rule/oxytocin phenomenon.) Heat surrounding relationship termination works against friendly post-breakup contact.

On the other hand it might be because men don't give what they consider minor breakups emotional fuel. Until we (men) are significantly meshed, changing relationship status from 'lover' to 'friend' is as consequential as changing gears. Either that or we mask whatever we are feeling.

Generalizations and guesses, all. My own circumstance is a combination of:

~ bad breakup technique (the fadeout, the walkout)

~ breakup sloth (delayed, forgotten, deliberately avoided breakups)

~ relationship misjudgment (I didn't realize I was in one)

~ good breakups (with bad after-relationship service)

Pic from here [link]

Edited for incorrect use of 'mitigate'. Many, many demerit points.

Ten Date Rule Part One. [link]
Ten Date Rule Part Two [link]
Ten Date Rule Overview (later) [link]

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