Friday, April 24, 2009

PB Crackers

With the last of my PB2, I wanted to try and make some PB Crackers. I used this recipe as a guideline and they actually came out pretty well! A bit of a mild peanut flavor, but that's ok. They made for some yummy snacks!

They were also good paired with chocolate or honey-cardamom ricotta for dessert :) I bet a pumpkin dip would've worked well, too!

Peanut Butter Crackers
Adapted from Heaven is Chocolate, Cheese & Carbs

1.5c WW flour
1c PB2 (powdered peanut butter)
1t sugar
1 1/3t Vietnamese cinnamon
1t salt
1T agave nectar
1/4c canola oil (I used Smart Balance)
3/4c cold water, divided
cinnamon sugar and fine sea salt for topping

Preheat oven to 400F.

Mix together flour, PB2, sugar, cinnamon and salt. Add agave, oil and 3/8c water and mix. Continue to add water until you get a rough dry dough (I only used another 1/4c). Knead (I did this in the bowl) until the dough becomes a cohesive ball.

Divide dough in half. Roll out one half of dough in between two sheets of parchment paper as thin as possible. Cut dough into squares, rectangles, or whatever shape desired! Prick with a fork, then sprinkle on cinnamon sugar and a little bit of sea salt. Bake ~15min, turning halfway through. Roll out the other half while the first batch is cooking. Let cool before breaking apart (I don't know how necessary this is, some of mine were apart even before cooking!).

Ricotta Dips

I used part-skim to make these sweet accompaniments to my crackers, but they could easily enjoyed on their own! I eyeballed the amounts, but this is what I think went in...

For the chocolate variation: 1/2c ricotta, 1/2T unsweetened cocoa, and 1/2-1T agave nectar
For the honey-cardamom variation: 1/2c ricotta, 1/2-1T honey, 1/8t ground cardamom

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