Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Easy Butternut Soup

I'm not sure you've noticed, but...  I (finally) joined Pinterest.  If we hadn't passed December 21, 2012, I would've thought the world ended ;)  You can follow my pins to see what's caught my eye on other food blogs.  I also created a board with recipes that I've made and loved but haven't had a chance to share with you here (most recently southwestern chicken spaghetti squash salad and mushroom bourguignon).

Meanwhile, this soup!  I can't believe I haven't already shared this soup with you.  It is a staple here and is so easy this barely qualifies as a recipe.  Nevertheless it's a great recipe to have in your book when time is short.

Topped with a swirl of greek yogurt and sprinkling of chives

Easy Butternut Squash Soup
Serves 2-4

1 butternut squash (or other variety)
Fresh herbs (rosemary or thyme work well)
goat cheese, if desired
stock (any kind will do)

Step 1: Roast your favorite squash- I usually cut a butternut squash in half, and then roast (flesh side down) at 400deg until it's easily pierced by a fork.  If you have any fresh herbs, feel free to throw them with the squash (I often put some rosemary in the cavity of the butternut squash).

Step 2: Once the squash has cooled, scrape out the flesh and blend with some stock (may have to do this in batches).

Step 3: Add squash to a large pot and heat over medium heat.  I always throw in some goat cheese and stir until melted, but it's completely up to you.  Use stock to create your desired consistency.

Step 4:  Ladle into bowls to serve.  Garnish as you like, with a drizzle of chili oil, a swirl of greek yogurt, chopped herbs or even savory granola!

Served with savory granola

Savory granola was a pretty new concept for me, but I got really excited as soon as I came across it.  I've tried two recipes so far and this one from Clotilde was the favorite.  This savory, salty granola is fabulous on soup, but can also pass as a snack on its own.  I can't wait to try it on salads or even roasted veggies!

Have you ever tried savory granola??  What's your go-to recipe for an easy lunch or dinner?

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