Friday, November 23, 2012


The saying goes:

"If only I knew then what I know now. I'd be cleaning up."

This is completely cock-eyed. Now I'm noticing my maturity - mostly in this grey hair that appeared (apparently) overnight - I see it for what it is. Maturity is another word for justifying loss of adventurousness.

It breaks down like this. When you're young and wide-eyed, you:

+ understand women only at the fringe

+ have no fear if she's bad for you

+ don't care whether she's good for you

+ concern yourself only with starting something

Experience, actually bad experiences, are a proxy for maturity. But I now think that a more useful maturity is one that maintains a willingness to be unafraid and a knowing of where real dangers lie.

Call it having slow hands with quick feet.

Bottoms Up, Young Singles.

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