Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pumkin Black Bean Enchiladas

Enchiladas are not something I grew up eating, so they're relatively new to me.  Tacos, burritos sure, but enchiladas?  Not so much.   I guess I need to make up for lost time ;)

In these enchiladas, the black bean-chipotle filling is balanced with a creamy pumpkin sauce.   They have a little kick, so dial back the chipotle if you're not into that sort of thing.  I've included directions for preparing and freezing the dish ahead of time, so it's great to make some now and have more for later ;)

Pumpkin Black Bean Enchiladas
Adapted from Bob & Everyday Food
Serves 4-6

1 15oz can pumpkin puree
2 1/2c water
2 lg garlic cloves, minced
2t salt
1/4t black pepper
1/8t ground cayenne pepper (more or less to taste)
1t chili powder
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
1/2c 2% greek yogurt
1 chipotle w/1-2t adobo sauce
1/4c chopped baby leeks (or scallions)
10-12 6" corn tortillas
grated sharp cheddar cheese for the top (3/4c or so)

Add pumpkin, water, garlic and spices (salt, pepper, cayenne and chili powder) to a blender and puree until smooth.

Add 1c black beans to the bowl of a food processor, along with the yogurt and chipotle and adobo.  Process until smooth and transfer to a bowl.  Add in the rest of beans and leeks/scallions and stir to combine.

Pour 1c pumpkin sauce into baking dish (either a 9x13 dish or 1/2c into 2 smaller ones), you really just need to coat the bottom of the dish.

Wrap corn tortillas in a damp paper towel and microwave for ~1min to soften.   Mound filling on tortillas (3-4T), one at a time, and roll up.  Place, seam side down in the baking dish.

If you're going to freeze the enchiladas to serve at a later date, cover surface with saran wrap and a layer of foil.  Pour the rest of the pumpkin sauce in a freezer-safe container and place the enchiladas and sauce in the freezer.  Don't forget to label them!

To bake unfrozen enchiladas, pour pumpkin sauce over enchiladas and top with shredded cheese.  Bake in preheated 400deg oven and bake for 25-30 min, until cheese has melted and sauce is bubbly.  Let cool a bit before serving.

To bake frozen enchiladas, thaw the pumpkin sauce in the refrigerator the night before (or thereabouts) you want the enchiladas.  When ready to cook, preheat the oven to 400deg.   Remove the enchiladas from the freezer and remove plastic wrap.  pour thawed pumpkin sauce over enchiladas, cover with foil and bake for 30min.  Remove foil, top with shredded cheese and bake uncovered for another 30min, or until bubbly and cooked through.  Let cool a few minutes before serving.

Ok, so they don't quite photograph well, but they tasted delicious!!

Are you an enchilada fan?

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