Monday, January 24, 2011


My friend George has a goom. Perhaps I should capitalize that: my friend George has a Goom.

I know this because she arrived during our second drink this evening, a delightful woman of engaging conversation and charming manners.

Men have taken mistresses since they were first able to sneak away and inveigle themselves up the skirts of other women. No surprise there. But a certain kind of man takes a mistress - or two - and I'm wondering why.

For George, I'm pretty sure it's because of his distant marriage. That's no excuse, of course, but he'd be on the lookout for interested women no matter his marital status. Somewhere in his DNA lies the predisposition to move beyond social norms. Look, and take.

Just as there are certain men who take a long-term mistress, so there are women who oblige. In George's case, it's a long-term sexual liaison with no expectation of anything more. They're both satisfied with furtive social meetings, like tonight, and equally hidden sexual congress.

Under the Wombat Rule that no-one does anything for nothing, it's clear that they're both getting something from all this. And not for the short term, either.

Bottoms Up, Tony Soprano.

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