Monday, March 1, 2010

Honour and Offer

Slightly bummed tonight because yet again I'm left with another communications mystery around women.

You remember that I had a date set-up created for me by some friends.[link]

The date went well as far as I could tell:

-> she was attractive and very nicely dressed in boots and knock-off (short) Pucci dress.

-> I made no obvious faux pas on initial introduction, always a hairy area.

-> she appeared to not find me completely physically repulsive.

-> the conversation was natural and unforced.

-> the introducing couple were great and made life easy.

-> spinach salad thankfully didn't end in dreaded spinach in the tooth-gap.

-> I made her laugh, three times.

-> we hugged good-bye.

Let's say that my grade was a gentleman's C.

I called the next day to say how delightful meeting her was.

I called two days after, spoke to her, she was busy, and agreed to call back two days after that.

I called then, and the call went straight (I mean, straight) to voicemail.

I called three days after that, ditto.

I called a week later, ditto.

The furrowed forehead I have is because of the minute or so we had together after our matchmakers made their gracious exit. It seemed abundantly clear to me that she would be up for a date sometime later, and that she liked me. We even had TWO good-by hugs and pecks.

Despite my studied disinterest in an outcome, it's still mystifying.

Pic from Czech [link]

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