Monday, April 15, 2013

Lessons From My Cat - Part 3

Critical to understanding the cat is the fact that they don't see the world so much as smell it. Yes, cats have beautiful eyes, but they see only in black-and-white, and their vision is tuned to detect movement. Consider the mouse, dinner in prospect for your average tabby - it's not important to see what colour the mouse is, only how fast it's moving and in what direction. The way they process the information the world provides them is finely aligned with their survival.

Women don't chase mice, as far as I know. Their eyesight is the same as ours, but what they "see" is different. In other words the way they process the same sensory input varies wildly from men. 

For instance, when I see an interesting woman walking down the street, I'll ponder...

~ what kind of bra she's wearing

~ what her pussy might look like

~ whether she'd laugh at my jokes

~ how she'd react to my touch

...until I see the next attractive woman, whereupon the process begins again.

Women, like cats, don't prioritize the same thing. When a woman spies a man she finds attractive, she won't walk past him with her tongue hanging out. Without missing a beat, she'll...

~ figure where he buys his clothes

~ guess what kind of car he drives

~ decide if he's in a relationship

~  if the answer to the above is 'yes', work out whether she's hotter than his girlfriend

~ estimate his income to within a few hundred dollars per year

...which is self-evidently a different assessment process.

Cats have a very clearly defined hierarchy of needs for which they are immensely well evolved. When all their needs are met, they're able to relax, for the most part, but the call of the wild is never too far away. Domesticity works, as long as it's on their terms.

That's what makes them eternally fascinating.

Bottoms Up, Mouse-Chasers.

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