Friday, September 21, 2012

Peach Shortcake

Would you guys like to join a party today?  What are we celebrating?  Well, Megan of Delicious Dishings is getting married!  That sounds like quite a good reason to celebrate, don't you think?  Jen had the foresight to organize a virtual bridal shower for her, so we have quite the lineup of desserts for the occasion!

I went seasonal with my contribution, a brown sugar shortcake with bourbon peaches and coconut whipped cream.  Or peach shortcake.  No matter how long (or short) the name, this is a great way to enjoy fresh peaches :)  Bourbon and peaches are a natural pairing... kinda like Megan and Jeff!

Brown Sugar Shortcake w/Bourbon Peaches and Coconut Whipped Cream
adapted from the NYTimes
Serves 6-8

A few things to make this go smoothly:  refrigerate the coconut milk at least overnight to help separate the coconut cream.  The peaches can either be prepared ahead (just warm before serving), or while the shortcake is baking.

For the shortcake:
230g flour (I've used white whole wheat or a mix of white whole wheat, cake and oat)
55g dark brown sugar
15g arrowroot powder (or cornstarch)
15g baking powder
5g fine sea salt
3.5oz (100g) cold coconut spread (or 7T butter)
1/2c coconut milk (or buttermilk or heavy cream)
1 egg, well beaten

For the peaches:
1T water
3T bourbon (I used some infused with vanilla beans)
25g dark brown sugar
4c sliced peaches (~1 1/2lbs)

For the whipped cream:
2 cans full fat coconut milk
3t evaporated cane juice (or granulated sugar)
1t vanilla extract
pinch of fine sea salt

Preheat the oven to 375deg.  Place a mixing bowl and beaters in the freezer.

In a medium bowl, weigh out flour, sugar, arrowroot, baking powder, sea salt and ground flaxseed* if using.  Mix well, then cut in cold fat (coconut spread or butter) using your fingers, 2 knives, or a pastry cutter.  When the mixture resembles pebbles, add in 2T milk and egg and mix until a soft batter forms.  If the mixture is still pretty dry, add a little more milk until you get a soft batter.

On a lightly floured surface, knead dough a few times until it holds together (I may or may not have done this right in the bowl...).  Divide into two pieces- one a little larger than the other.  Starting with the larger piece, flatten the dough to a 1/2" thick round and place on a parchment-lined cookie sheet (I use a baking stone).  Flatten the smaller piece of dough into a smaller 1/2" thick round and place on top of the larger one.  Bake in a preheated oven for 15-20min, or until the shortcake is starting to brown.

While the shortcake is baking, prepare the peaches and whipped cream.  Place a medium skillet over medium heat.  Add water, bourbon and sugar and cook until sugar dissolves.  Stir the mixture and add the peaches.  Gently stir the mixture and cook a few minutes until the peaches have warmed through and released some juice.  Turn off the heat.

Remove the bowl/beaters from the freezer and coconut milk from the fridge.  Carefully open the coconut milk and remove the solidified cream at the top of both cans into the cold bowl, being careful not to get any of the liquid below.  Add the sugar, vanilla and salt and beat on low speed until bubbles start to form, ~30sec.  Increase the speed and beat until the cream thickens and soft peaks form, ~2min.  Refrigerate until the shortcake is cooked.

To assemble, cut off the top of the shortcake (made from the smaller portion of dough) using a serrated knife.  Top with peaches and their juices, followed by the coconut cream and then the smaller circle of shortcake.  Serve with bourbon, if desired, or perhaps a cold glass of milk.

Check out the rest of the goodies at the shower here!!

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