Saturday, September 29, 2012

Amica 19.7 Boston

Location: Carver, MA
Distance: Sprint (.5mi s, 16.1mi b, 3.1mi r)
Time: 7:30am
Weather: 55deg, sunny
Total Participants: 104

Alternate Title: The race that almost didn't happen. I don't think I could've scripted it any better- a turnaround due to forgotten sunglasses, almost running out of gas, driving around the park looking for the start/parking... there were definitely a few moments that I didn't think we'd make it to the race!

Things were a blur as we picked up our packets, navigated the parking lot, got our bikes and set up in transition.  I was on auto-pilot, grabbing only the important stuff out of my bag.  I don't really know how it all happened in time, but we made it down to the water just as they were about to sing the national anthem.

I was glad to put on my wetsuit with the morning chill still in the air.  With such a small race, there were just two waves- the men went off first, and then the women.  After the men were in the water, I was glad to put my feet in the warm water and thought that this would be the warmest I'd be all day!  The swim was marked with one buoy on the way out and one for the turnaround, so a slight triangle.  I was a little bit off course on the way out, but think I held a good line on the way back despite the blinding sun.  Out of the water in 13:20, I got an extra boost seeing my parents who had made the trip to watch!

I debated adding another layer before heading out on the bike, but decided against it and was glad for the sun.  My feet got a little chilly towards the second half of the ride, but luckily they didn't go numb.  I spent some time leapfrogging with a few other ladies, and had some trouble with my rear derailer (derailleur?), but I felt pretty good for the ride.

The bike course stayed entirely within Myles Standish State Forest, including its rolling hills and imperfectly paved roads.  It's a good thing we weren't dealing with traffic; the sides of the roads were sandy and a little beat up.  There weren't any huge climbs, but there wasn't much flat road either.  At least it kept it interesting ;)  A solid ride at 54:28 (~18mph), I was ready to run!

Up we go!

As with the bike course, the run through the park took us up and over some rolling hills.  It starts right out of transition- you head right up a nice hill.  My lungs hadn't adjusted to the cooler temperatures yet, so I struggling a bit with my breathing but tried to focus on keeping my legs moving.  I ended up passing the few women who I had juggled position with on the bike, and before I knew it I was flying down that same hill we started out on.  Yes, it felt that fast, I was a little worried at one point I wasn't going to keep up with my legs :-P

Finishing strong!

I crossed the finish line feeling strong and very pleased with my performance.  A little cheering and some food later, I checked out the official times and after double and triple checking, realized that I was first in my AG!  (Ok, second.  But the woman who finished ahead of me was a pro who won the whole race...  so she doesn't count, right?  sort of!).

Clock Time: 1:37:59
AG 2/10
Overall 40/101

Thanks Mom (and Dad)!

As with the other Amica 19.7 race I've done, it's very well organized and marked (minus the whole finding the start once you get into the park) and the volunteers were great.

Couldn't have asked for a better end to the season :)  Having the people who mean so much to me there was the icing on the cake.  Until next year...

ps- thanks to kelly (a local triathlete who was spectating for some of the pictures above)!

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