Thursday, October 6, 2011

Savory Cheesecake!

By now you've had some time to make tomato jam, right?  Or is that this weekends' plan?  :)  Perhaps you're going to a gathering and need something to bring?   Perfect!  You'll be making a savory cheesecake with tomato jam.  I made it for a get together at Elina's and couldn't get enough, it's such a great vehicle for tomato jam!

Savory Cheesecake with Tomato Jam
Recipe by Shannon

I'm sure you could halve the recipe and bake it in a smaller 4" springform, but I didn't have one so I scaled up!

8oz 1/3rd less cream cheese, RT
8oz ricotta, RT
7oz goat cheese, RT
6T chopped fresh basil
2T chopped fresh parsley
1/3t sea salt
freshly ground pepper, to taste
3 eggs, RT
tomato jam

Preheat oven to 330deg.

In the bowl of a stand mixer, cream together the three cheeses.  Add herbs, salt and pepper and mix until well combined.  Add eggs, one at a time and mix well after each addition.  Pour batter into a 9" springform pan sprayed with nonstick spray.

Bake at 330deg for 15min, then lower temperature to 300deg and bake for 30min.  Turn oven off and leave the cheesecake in the oven for 1hr.  Then remove and cool.  If making ahead of time, cover and refrigerate.  Remove from fridge an hour or two before serving.

To serve, top with tomato jam and provide crackers, pita chips, or your favorite dipper!

Have I sold you on tomato jam yet?  It's sweet and spicy, and has some texture...  more complex than ketchup (since Ricki asked).  I'll be making my third batch this weekend, and giving canning a shot...  wish me luck!

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