Thursday, June 9, 2011

Superpowers for Men

Complicated as the pursuit of women can be, one Superpower that always works to simplify the chase is humour. A woman laughing is a woman on your side. That's why, if I had my druthers, I'd choose irresistible funniness as my Superpower.

Note that I wrote ...simplify...


...guaranteed to have every women within earshot inviting you to get a room right then and there, saying come fuck me 'til I wilt.

No. Although that would be sweet. Irrational spur-of-the-moment anytime hotel sex is as sexy as a wardrobe of La Perla and Agent Provocateur. All I'm saying is that talk that results in the beautiful sound of a woman laughing lowers the drawbridge to the castle.

Naturally, nothing works with all babes. My humour, for example, tends towards the absurdist - it's more about wordplay than anecdotes. Telling stories from real life is absolutely not my forte, and my delivery is deadpan rather than manic. Sadly, this has limited lady-appeal, but at least it's something.

Which leads me to the VERY important point for guys, that FORCING humour never works. All you can do is to demonstrate what you've got, and hope it generates the right, gooey-in-the-forks response.

Notwithstanding, when it does work, and you have the lady convulsing, the road ahead is cleared of many obstacles. You've established an intellectual connection (without the pain of discussing Wuthering Heights) and she's seen that you are good company. Doubts about your ability to hold a job or suitability as a father are cast aside, because she'll want you to make her feel good with more funny talk.

What she might not understand is that you want to make her feel good with both of you naked sharing body parts. But that's the beauty of Superpowers - only afterwards do the recipients of them realize what they've witnessed.

Bottoms Up, Laughers.

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