Monday, February 8, 2010

The China Syndrome

All we singletons (and not a few marrieds) lament the lack of the perfect partner in our lives. We look here and there, under that rock, on top of that mountain, at the end of that street, and still no-one makes the grade.

A solution exists if you believe that finding right person is a matter of fishing a sufficiently large dating pool - China. China now has "37 million more men then women, and there are as {many} as 120 boys born for 100 girls." [link]

Okay, this is a solution for only the ladies. Men: I'm working on it.

Let's allow that to settle for a few seconds. China has spare men equivalent to the entire population of Canada plus the population of Greater Sydney, Orrstraya. That's a heck of a lot of horny marriageable guys, my female friends. Imagine yourself arriving in a Chinese city, being mobbed with potential suitors. It would be like an entire Walmart Supercenter coming to your place begging you to buy something. Anything. The most subtle sign of interest would be greeted with sighs of appreciation, bouquets, love notes and flattering invitations. Speak, and they stand and applaud. Go on a date and they make you a hero of the revolution.

I sense a new trend in tourism starting right here.

Illustration found here [link]

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