Tuesday, October 12, 2010

More Summer Squash!

Sorry for another phantom post, but it'll be up later this week, promise :)

Remember how I mentioned a summer squash bigger than my forearm??

I wasn't kidding!!  (Yes, I've been meaning to post this for awhile...  what can I say, it's been busy around here!)

This sucker made more than enough for cornbread, so I tried another treat, this time going the sweet route.  While they could've been cupcakes, I didn't have any cream cheese so I opted not to frost them.  Does that make them muffins?   Muffcakes?

Summer Squash Cupcakes
adapted from a London Foodie in New York
yield: 12-14

I liked the subtle sweetness of these cupcakes.  The yellow flesh almost disappeared into the batter, and a discerning tester didn't realize there was a vegetable in there ;)  I could see a maple cream cheese frosting adorning these cupcakes, or even a simple dusting of powdered sugar.

2c white whole wheat flour
2t baking powder
1t cinnamon
1/2t cardamom
1/2t salt
1 egg
1/2c greek yogurt
1/4c evaporated cane juice (or sugar)
3/4c unpacked brown sugar
1/3c canola oil (or other mild-flavored oil)
1t vanilla
2c lightly packed, grated summer squash (dry with paper towels before measuring)

Preheat the oven to 350deg.

In a medium bowl, whisk together dry ingredients (flour through salt).

In a large bowl, whisk together egg, yogurt, sugars, oil and vanilla.  Add dry mixture and stir until just combined.  Fold in summer squash.

Spray cupcake tin with nonstick spray (or use liners).  Divide batter batter evenly among wells (probably ~2/3 full).    (An ice cream scoop or ladel can make this easier!)  Bake until springy to the touch and a toothpick comes clean, ~25-30minutes.  It may take longer than this, but it's always better to check on things ahead of time in case your oven (or mine) isn't quite accurate.  Let cool on a wire rack before frosting and serving!

Maybe muffins are just an excuse to eat cupcakes for breakfast after all ;)

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