Sunday, October 19, 2008

Last Call for Lentils

Just a reminder to get your recipes in today! I'll put together the roundup tomorrow morning, so you have until, let's say, 4am monday :) (I hope you're not up then, though!!) I decided on a home-baked treat for this week's prize, which I'll be featuring in the roundup so they're fresh and ready to send out Tuesday.

On another exciting note...

Natasha from Healthy and Gourmet honored me with an award this week! Thank you so much!! She's got some great recipes over there, so if you've never checked out her site I'd recommend clicking on over.

Now, I have WAY too many blogs in my google reader, and I check it all too often (otherwise i get so behind!). I love seeing everyone's creations, and so many are deserving of this award, it was really hard to pick! (you're all winners in my book, folks :)) Over a year before I started my own blog, there are a few favorites I always looked forward to reading, so I wanted to take this time to show my appreciation, and say thanks for Excellent Blogs!!

1. Eggs on Sunday - The pictures from Amy's CSA box are always tantalizing, and it seems we have very similar tastes (as in, I would eat anything out of her kitchen!!!). Plus, did you see these? A winning recipe, indeed!

2. Diet, Dessert and Dogs - Not only do I get my dog fix here, but good eats and reads abound. I've seen so many things from Ricki that I want to try-- pureed avocado in quickbread and kasha (I bought some more!) are the ones that came to mind first. And let's not forget my favorite way to prepare baby bok choy so far!

3. Alexandra's Kitchen - Another source of fabulous ideas and tantalizing photos, Alexandra's dessert was a hit with the family :) And these would make a fabulous addition to thanksgiving dinner!!

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