Thursday, April 14, 2011

IRL v Online Dating

Serendipitously, my media maven friend Annalis Clint sent me a link to a very good article about the virtues (or not) of online dating.

I have never been a fan. If for no other reason, paid onling dating sites are a rip-off:

Marcus Frind, CEO of, crunched the stats on his blog and found that 1 in 1,369 dates leads to marriage on That’s $83,000 in subscription revenue for every marriage. If someone told you those odds at the beginning, would you still want to sign up? Considering the ratio of marriages to revenue, we think most people would expect a higher delivery rate.

Mr Frind is hardly a disinterested observer, but doubtless the numbers are representative.

In any case, I heartily recommend you read the article. Online dating does not work.

Late edit: In news just unearthed, it seems the online dating experience deserves a lawsuit. My, my.

LA Woman Sues

Bottoms Up, Real Lifers.

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