Friday, March 25, 2011

Just One Thing

If - dear Lord, it's a big one, I know - I could imprint one thing into the brains of couples, it would be this:

Okay, TWO things.

One. Guys want to know their woman respects them. Corollary: the worst emotion you can have towards us is CONTEMPT.

Two. Most men are petrified of an angry woman. This wide-eyed primal reaction leads us to behave in really odd ways, viz: defensively when no defense is required, or guiltily when no guilt pertains. Yes, strange.

Here's the reality check: if you're a woman and you are contemptuous of your male partner for even the slightest sliver of's over.

And if you're a guy, and you your woman behaves dismissively, it's over. Dude. Srsly.

One or other of you must walk.

Bottoms Up, Couplers.

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