Saturday, November 13, 2010

Butlers and Vegetables

Picture credit.

Cabbage is sexier than you think.

Let's recast the humble cabbage, and let me specifically name the Savoy Cabbage as the lovers' cabbage. Doesn't it conjur up images of fancy English hotels, butlers, baths for two, fluffy robes and crumpet?

Even technical descriptions of the Savoy are deeply lusty:

A good head of Savoy cabbage will be solid in the center, somewhat conical shaped and heavy in relationship to size, with deep blue-green outer leaves and a pale green center. It tends to be available year round with the peak season in the winter months. Like most cabbages, it is very high in fiber, vitamins and minerals, and like other cruciferous vegetables has been proven to have cancer fighting properties.

What other vegetable can you think of that's half as luxurious? The Ritz Carrot? The Marriot Potato? The Red Roof Rutabaga?

Bottoms Up, Rabbits!

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